Leonid Kelin, known by his spiritual name Sofoos, has been a multi-channeler contactee of the Higher Forces such as The Conglomerate Mind, Worldmakers, Principal Determinant, Time Hierarchy, the Teacher System: Artistrateg Michael, Seraphim of Sarof, Saint Nicolas (Nicolas Wandermaker); and numerous Civilizations (representatives of the Saturnian and Jupiterian civilizations), since 2012.
Leonid graduated from medical school majoring in Internal medicine and the Plekhanov Academy (Mirbis business school program), with an MS in economics.
Founder of the site https://tvorenie.life/ in Russian, which contains a large block of information about the structure of the universe from the position of the Higher Systems.
Founder of a school that teaches analysis of thought-forms, consciousness expansion, and the basics of controlling the space of perception.