May 09, 2022 / 2022-05-09
Channeler: Sofoos
The Higher System: Sergius of Radonezh.
Sofoos: Today is May 9, 2022, I am Sofoos. I salute Sergius of Radonezh. I wanted to continue the topic: “Approaches to the correction of the fields of the Soul” and move on to some practices, concepts, and regulations.
Sergius of Radonezh: I greet you. I am Sergius of Radonezh, I am glad to continue this rather complicated but necessary topic. We settled on the fact that the very system of the program of consciousness of the Higher Self, the civilization-curators, and the Main Determinant itself create a rather narrow-range scheme of understanding of space by humans. And, in fact, it is not even a scheme, but a directive state in which a person begins not to perceive space as a kind of system of creation, but simply to exist in it, to be in it, to serve the scenario, to determine the meanings that are put into it as a kind of the state of the necessary, needed, planned or irredeemable. These meanings, naturally, one way or another, become his life and his state.
If we take a broader perception, which will be discussed now, then the 4D space, which has been talked about so much, already exists. And now many people, especially people of development or those people who are trying to embark on this path, have a question about those mechanisms and approaches to existence that, one way or another, can create certain processes for adjusting the impact on the future, including influence on the past and present. These approaches are usually associated with some understanding that a person is under a certain pressure. As a rule, he does not realize this pressure, does not form it as some incoming value that needs to be corrected, he simply forms it as his fate, as life, as some circumstances have developed around him.
Naturally, few of you understand that all these meanings were initially formed somewhere under the influence of the contract of the Soul, somewhere under the influence of just a scenario that was formed by the civilization-curator, and somewhere it generally went the other way and began to form completely different experience, as if leaving from under contractual values. These are conditions that need to be corrected.
What happens when a destructive system, one way or another, leads the observer into other systems of understanding, into other systems of the life path?
Firstly, the person himself begins to feel out of place and begins to understand that he lives in the wrong place, not with those, without inner saturation, without content, without inner curiosity about life processes. he begins to distance himself from that field of possibilities, from that future and present, which is determined for him by the scenario plan system as some kind of necessary work, as a family, as a society, as communication, and even coordinates.
This is primarily determined by the Soul, which tries to move the observer as far as possible from the fulfillment of the scenario plan with fields of indifference, rejection, or depression. And it turns out that a person who has violations in the system of perception of the Soul and the contract, which it was supposed to determine through the observer, is very strongly biased in his state. This is not necessarily a depressed person, a person who perceives the world from the side of more bad than good, or a dependent person, although this is very often used by civilizations that try to anchor a person to the space of perception with the help of addictions, with the help of potent substances (which we have already talked about many times), either through family obligations or through financial conditions that are brought in, which are defined as a certain factor, as a certain system of possibilities. One way or another, this entire system is created and defined precisely from the point of view of the understanding that is dictated by the supervising civilizations themselves, who create these values precisely from the point of view of those processes of the understanding that they need to fulfill this or that scenario.
Here it is necessary to understand that in order to start the correction, you need to go through three main stages that isolate a person from those sensory fields that can be changed, corrected, and change the focus of their orientation.
The state of consciousness itself is the first barrier, which is aimed primarily at preserving the scenario, therefore, a person must understand, firstly, that he is still in directive values, in an illusion, in a system of interconnection with other observers, that he, in fact, is in a certain scenario proposed to him. In order to pull a person out of systemic dependence, he must be convinced, disidentified, and transformed into a system of a new understanding of the world. In fact, in the end, he must understand that he really can in one way or another influence the space of perception, its mechanisms of formation, his systemic dependencies, which he forms as a kind of constancy, and the habitual state of his own life.
And there is a lot of work to be done. In fact, this is psychoanalysis, a kind of adjustment, but it should take place precisely from the point of view of illusion, since any psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, psychologist, Astro psychologist (whatever you want to call it, it does not matter), if he does not start from those directive values that enter the system of the observer, to prove to a person that these are not his values, that they can be influenced through his consciousness, then this will not have an effect.
Yes, it will be demotivated, it will have new guidelines, and new views, but all these views will very quickly be erased, disavowed, and turn into some kind of secondary shell, since the curator civilization itself will hold them, push them out if they are not collected and not proceeded from the understanding that there are already two co-authors of life: the observer himself with his analysis and the state of certain knowledge construction and the civilization-curator who will impose on him his states, events, emotional-sensory constructions, series, understanding of the past, present and future.
In the first stage, at the level of consciousness, the task is to create some kind of counteraction, a situation of conditional conflict. Relatively speaking, it looks like a child and a mother, or like a wife and a husband, who, being in unity, still find a lot of problem points, determining the difference in understanding, interaction, and views, and this does not have to be brought to a direct collision. Here it is important to evaluate and understand one’s position, views on life, and this position should come from development, from the situation of those creative principles that a person is going to invest in his own future, in his own life.
And here is a fairly large layer of work with this consciousness. This is already spelled out in your school, and partly exists in some knowledge constructions, but I repeat once again, if a person is not led from illusion to the future, if he does not understand exactly that his space is being collected, that it is directive, that it is dependent on specific forces of Higher system, then you will not get any result, all this will be reduced to zero. This is a fundamentally important understanding that needs to be learned and consolidated.
The second construction that stands on the way to the fields of the Soul is, first of all, the state of the Monadic Mind. Although it can just be divided into two parts, it is primarily a cell, its understanding, its evaluation. This is an assessment – how much you allow yourself to be in the form of a sick/healthy person, how much you want to provide yourself with some kind of internal freedom of understanding the body: free breathing, free heartbeat, a feeling of energy, a feeling of a certain capacity that is mastered gradually, but it can go along a sinusoid with an increase.
I will immediately note that the Teachers’ system does not present any healthy lifestyles, since a healthy lifestyle in itself is a utopia. The healthier you want to be in this space, the more the destructive system will influence you, but only imperceptibly, through other dummy mechanisms: through vaccination, through pollution of the atmosphere, and water, through a city that is filled with various fields: magnetic, electrostatic, and so on.
One way or another, despite the fact that you will adhere to a healthy lifestyle, you will still be more and more sunk in the so-called constant values. If we compare this with some alternatives, a person leads a more free lifestyle, allows some states of diet violations, violations of lifestyle rules, this does not mean that he is in a constant decrease in energy balance. Here is a question of philosophy of approach to certain energy status.
The fact is that (as far as we have been observing this for a long time) the more a person wants to be healthy, the more he develops a systemic fear in relation to his health, and fear always induces and collects destructive values. In fact, he, fearing for his health, begins to accumulate around him various inputs and systemic values, which, one way or another, will lead him to a state of morbidity, or disease, no matter what: hormonal, mental, or will be a systemic disease: cancer, diabetes and so on. Here the question is completely different, in the very psychological status of understanding that a cell is just a given and it can be changed.
Gradually, a person, experimenting with his health and his state, begins to bring himself through his own intelligence to a certain balance, to a certain ratio, because if he becomes conditionally directive: he does exercises in the morning, keeps a diet, and so on, then he turns into some kind of biorobot who is just trying to get away from something inevitable. And this is not the fact that he will live longer. Moreover, there are systematic observations that people who tried to follow, especially in cities, a certain prototype of a healthy life, ate conditionally right, engaged in active physical exercises, and lived less.
Here the factor of the absence of a certain sinusoid enters, first of all, the training of the immune system, since, as is well known, life expectancy depends on it. But the question is: how much is it needed for a person who is constantly afraid of not eating something, not doing exercises on time, or not observing something?
Therefore, here the philosophy of the question of the attitude to the cell is a whole big topic that needs to be raised again and again, not from the position of a healthy lifestyle, but from the position of the philosophy of approach to certain states of the future, to certain internal goals, to some kind of systematic understanding of oneself and of their states in relation not only to energy saturation, to the information field, to some kind of balance, but precisely to what a person wants.
Let’s say you’re painting. One way or another, you will be forced to inhale various vapors of chemical paints, unless you are painting with natural paints and so on. Everything that is now connected with the systems of creation in terms of sculptures, artistic practices, and even musical works – are all connected with certain meanings that are already defined as tertiary-quaternary technogenic structures already with the fields fixed on your matrix-cell. And here it is necessary to understand that these systemic creations are far from mandatory in terms of their implementation if they are not some kind of conditional means of existence for you.
You may ask: what then needs to be done with the cell as a kind of target orientation? First of all, this must be defined as a curiosity: curiosity to go to the sauna, curiosity to swim in cold water, curiosity to try this or that tasty dish, curiosity to be in nature in different fields: in the desert, in the tundra, in the forests and feel this polarity, curiosity to build your system of environment, society, which will influence, including your cell. There are hundreds and thousands of such examples.
Naturally, as a rule, a person forming this concept cannot understand what he really needs, what he is interested in, and what he needs to set as a vector. And this should simply be put as the meaning of necessity, to form interests in the perception of one’s own cell, a cell of space. It can be an intimate relationship, it can be singing, it can be just a vibration of sound. There is no monopolar narrow-band spectrum here.
Each of you has unique cells, and all of them have different states, different balances, and different forms of the ability to perceive energy space: reading ethereal, biological, astral, causal, energy fields. And all of them are oriented in terms of preference, since the Soul, laying you into the system of the matrix course, into the system of perception of incarnation rebirth or simply living life, it also lays in you a preference for color, a preference for certain energies, frequencies of sound and systemic perception of space, which, one way or another, becomes your internal state.
This balance, this vector must be set, because it must be harmonized by the sensual fields of the Soul. And without manifesting, calculating, and exposing it as a certain system of understanding, you will not be able to reach the correction of the fields of the Soul, since here this meaning is fundamental, the Soul itself is very much oriented towards the Monadic Mind and towards the cell. If she sees that there is a breakdown in the cell, and large energy imbalances, she, of course, may not follow the path of correction, but simply continue the destructive path, conditionally continuing your systemic living in space.
And the third, very important systemic understanding is your relationship with society and with the Higher System, which today appears in you either as faith in the Higher System, or the absence of this faith, or the definition of you in society as some necessary structure, and so on. It is necessary to divide the Higher System into two parts. If you believe in the Higher System, then you need to understand why you are doing this and what you believe in. If you simply know and understand that we exist as Teachers, as civilizations, as the Main Determinant, as Souls – this is one thing, but when you understand that these Forces influence you, then you should develop an attitude that is neutral. It is better that there is respect and understanding: understanding the need for any experience and the need for a state of some future reincarnation. In a literal sense, this is defined as the inclusion of your current experience in the next and next lives, but not in the form of a conscious object, but in the form of an addition, in the form of a certain combination, a certain multi-layered system of understanding.
And here it is an important fact, as a rule, unbelieving people are determined in themselves. And then the Higher system, especially the Angelic one and the Teachers depart from such people and participate to the extent that a person needs a correlation with his experience of the Soul. In general, one way or another, they simply help him only so that he passes this experience, but in no case is he pulled into the system of fields of creation, into the fourth dimension, and so on. This needs to be understood.
In no case do I insist that a person must pray, but he must understand that there is a Higher System that can be addressed through Angels, thought forms, prayers, and so on. This factor is certainly important since we cannot assume that a person who understands that he is in an illusion will create his life and at the same time not understand that this illusion is created by the Higher System. A balance of knowledge, combinations, and some kind of internal harmonious understanding of one or another Higher system is needed.
There are no good and bad here, there is a common unified experience that unites in your Gaia system in the form of humanity, and nature, although destroyed and flawed. And man, in fact, is also two-thirds, or even half destroyed. There is no good and bad here, there is a general concept that needs to be worked out and systematized. Here are the questions of ideology to the approach of perception of the Higher system. It needs to be formed.
And the second part is the relationship with society. The ratio can be and most often is in opposition: here I am that I am, and all the rest are just people who live a separate life: some are stupid, some are cute, some are loved, some are beautiful, some are just strangers. This understanding needs to be aligned, just as it needs to be aligned with the forest. If you walk in the forest and see a broken birch or pine – this does not mean at all that it is unnecessary or bad, it is just broken. You treat this forest as a common conception.
In this case, humanity and society, your society, even if it consists of conflicting “bad” people, is formed by a certain state of necessary experiences, which is brought to you by the Higher System itself as a kind of directive state. If you have this understanding, a certain vector is exposed, then it will be very easy for you to correct these relationships in the future, correct conditional conflicts and, naturally, approach the correction of the fields of the Soul.
I briefly ran through these three basic states. And after understanding the regulation of these processes, after systemic interactions with these fields, you can move on to correcting the fields of the Soul already with the help of certain practices similar to something between meditations, perception, and interaction with each other.
This is where I want to end. We will continue further. All the best. With love, Sergius of Radonezh.
Sofoos: Thank you.