Pseudo-materialism. New Status of Scenario Determination.
Archistrategos Michael about pseudo-materialism. Determination of the new status of the scenario.
Host: Sofoos
Higher Forces: Archistrategos Michael/ Archangel Michael
Host: Today is September 13, 2023. I greet Archistratigus Michael. I wanted to define the theme: “Ideology of the pseudomaterial world. Definition of the new status of the scenario,, definition of the system of new views of those people who are defined in the system of development, in the system of understanding of the 4D space”.
Higher Forces: I greet you. It took us a long time to come to this topic, a long time to unpack it, to reveal it. Although one way or another, it has already been unpacked, revealed from the point of view of your concepts, your systemic views, your certain beliefs. But the thing is that these systemic beliefs, this certain knowledge and understanding exist inside the program of consciousness, inside the System of Intelligence of only a very small number of people, who either know, guess, or simply understand with their inner state that the world is a created illusion, created not by a human being himself, but by the Higher system and that a human being simply lives in it, lives through it, determines these values, these incoming states, which are called human life.
Naturally, in a certain historical understanding, this state, knowledge, and material aspects were necessary to create the belief and understanding of man that he is in the material space, can create something, that these values, goods, property, and money always exist, can accumulate and bring him a state of illusory joy, happiness, stability, security.
In fact, as you realize, it’s all wrong. It’s all a complete scenario. It is a state of a kind of illusory upbringing of entire generations, which is called the Saturnian scenario, which is defined precisely in terms of that state, that experience, those embeddings in that experience, which the Saturnian civilizations have defined.
These states pursue the understanding that the civilizations themselves use man more as a kind of actor, a test subject, a kind of state of re-creation, a realization of the scenario, than as a kind of independent unit of creation, understanding, active creation of self, and so on.
Therefore, human life depended more on the scenario that was prescribed to him, on the civilization that stands and supervises his consciousness, his scenario, on those states of society, on those states with the governmental egregor in which he is situated.
And here you cannot call a person happy or unhappy because he was born in this or that country. It is most likely even the opposite, that statistically happier countries are those where there is no wealth, where there are no accumulated fortunes.
And only recently, about 8-10 years ago, the criteria for determining countries by categories of happiness were changed in the direction of prosperity. And only then such countries as Denmark, Sweden, Norway came to the forefront. Although earlier such countries as Nigeria, Argentina, and similar countries, which did not have large fortunes, material surpluses and wealth, were in the foreground.
Naturally, the first criterion is the number of smiles, laughter, the state of a person’s perception in the system of his own understanding of his space: it is his pleasures from understanding life, from his inner state of feeling himself. It is the desire to dance, sing, dance, and so on. All these states are usually characteristic of rather poor countries, where there is no great development, no material prosperity, but this criterion exists, and it is there.
Naturally, when a person defines his own life, he wants to be happy, joyful, and laughing, to define himself in a state of vigor, to define himself in a state of fun. And that is the priority. Nobody wants to go to work, to work all day long for some illusory goal, for some states in the future to which one devotes practically one’s whole life but never achieves. This endless withdrawal, this illusion was created in order to fulfill the scenario. A myth was created in which it was prescribed that the more money a person has, the more happiness and joy he has. The richer he is, the more freedom he has. In fact, this is not the case, and even vice versa.
Naturally, those criteria of understanding the space, that were embedded into the system of illusion, were defined as knowledge, as laws, as governmental systems of governance: taxes, the system of compliance with societal laws, and religion. All this made a “braiding” of the scenario in which the person was in, who believed that he had to go to work, to fulfill certain states, obey (fulfill) laws, discipline, and so on. And accordingly, it worked out for many, and it does now.
But times are different, the space has changed. The space of the fourth dimension has appeared, which not only requires but is necessary to be revealed.
And what is necessary for revealing? It literally means that if a person cannot open this space, imagine his future, and learn to fantasize, not in 3D categories, but in 4D (this topic has already been passed, mastered by you), then he, accordingly, will not be able to stay in this space, he will be simply removed to the 3D scenario end system. And this system of the end of the 3D scenario has already been built, it is already functioning.
Today you are observing two scenarios at the same time. One scenario is of a destructive type – it is the disintegration, the collapse of those states, which you define as the system that held the scenario. This collapse and disintegration go with different accelerations, sometimes it seems to recover, sometimes it seems to go forward, but then it goes backward, and elements of chaos arise again. And more and more these elements of chaos will occur from natural cataclysms, phenomena, man-made accidents, and so on.
One way or another, these states are increasing, it is already obvious, it is already clear. But the man himself is structured in such a way that he is, in fact, guided from the outside by directive thought-forms, states that contain his opinion, his knowledge, his position towards the future. This position is equal to the position of indifference, incomprehension, trust in a certain state that everything will be fine, everything will be settled, and will go on in the variant that is at least now. In fact, this is far from being the case.
But the point now is not to frighten or to determine the state of some destructive events in the future, but to understand that the time of those who are in the directive state, in directive thought-forms has already passed, these people are moving “out of the frame”. And only those who can prolong and continue their way in the system of 4D space, remain within the attention of the Higher system. I am not talking here about a certain pure 4D space, it is not possible yet, but it is quite possible to apply one’s own fantasies, and one’s own ideas about the future, and not in the categories of money, wealth, fortune, power, but in constructive categories, in the categories of joy, happiness, freedom.
Naturally, this state is hindered by the main thing – it is the philosophy that dominates in an unspecified form, it is the philosophy of pseudo-materialism. What does it mean? And why pseudo-materialism?
On the one hand, most people believe in a Higher Power, in God, and consequently assume that God created this world, created the Earth in one way or another.
They do not think about where the past goes and where the future comes from, what the present is, and they do not understand the depth of illusion, the laws of this illusion, the laws of the script. They do not understand the picture that is created in each of you individually from the point of view of the scenario itself, although they do guess about it.
Yet they live in two states: they believe that the world is material, that it can be touched, chewed, stroked, felt, and it really so; on the other hand, they understand that there is a Higher system that determines much more than they themselves.
And here the multi-variation begins: someone believes more, someone less, but, one way or another, the very system of material perception dominates. And a person naturally believes that he cannot change this material world, and cannot influence it, although he believes in it.
This paradox is one of the points of the scenario law: that a person knows that he can, and had hoped that he can, but in fact he can do nothing without the decision of a Higher System, without a control system from the outside.
So, the 4D space allows a person to break this rule. To get out of its relations and to create in oneself, first of all in the states of 4D space, constructive counterbalances, constructive states, and then to change the scenario, which is defined in the future, by inserting into it certain perceptions, bookmarks, states of sensual fields. This is a whole science. You are practicing it, you are starting to create it, and it is very good, it is timely, because without this state it is simply impossible to enter the 4D space.
This paradox is one of the points of the scenario law: that a person knows that he can, and hopes that he can, but in fact he can do nothing without the decision of a higher system, without a control system from outside.
And this philosophy, this idea of destroying the material state, the idea of living is the most important for today, because if we do not destroy the idea of pseudo-material existence of a person, if we do not remake it, dissolve it, change it, then there will be no possibility to enter the 4D space, no state in which a person can manage this space And how can he manage the space if he believes that the world is material, stable, that he has a certain state, a certain property, certain opportunities, forces, understanding of his duties. And this all has to be changed, has to be presented gradually in gentler and softer, more soluble colors.
It’s a whole philosophy. It is a whole science. It is a whole method, a whole layer of novelty, in which everyone who wants to change this world, everyone who wants to enter the system of the 4D space, must participate. But all of you should realize that this space does not tolerate loners, does not tolerate individual development. All this space is based on collective interaction, because the very system of creating this space is collective interaction, and like begets like.
The collective interaction of various Higher systems cannot create an individually developing human being, it will always push him or her into the system of the Creation connections. As of today, Saturnian civilizations in the form of curators of human consciousness are actively hindering this process, pulling away personal status, personal understanding of each person as himself, as his future, as a parent of his children, and so on. One way or another, they create their formats, create distortions and obstacles to get out of this state, to postpone, to escape from the state of development of the observer himself, because the format of the directive scenario, directive thought-forms, the format of execution through a person of those states that are defined as destructive energy exchange, is the most important for them.
And despite the fact that the Principal Determinator is currently an advocate of scenario change, of changing states of human interaction, all this inertia is very difficult to overcome.
It must be experienced, understood, dissolved within oneself and defined as a new existence, a new personal self, a new content, memorable meanings as a state of creation, as a state of creating a new world, a new system.
In this case, there are many variants and many relations, but the main thing is collectiveness, the connection of co-creators, people who realize that the future is no longer so directive, not so destructive, and obligatory. They themselves can create their own states, their own free thinking, their own actions, and their own relationships with each other. This is a big redistribution. This is a big epoch.
I want to stop here because the next states of information messages will be devoted to the unfolding of this topic, its detailing, its applicability in different spheres of human life: in personal relations, in social relations, in the system of relations with information, in the system of relations with oneself, inner world, reasonableness, future, past, memorable meanings and so on.
All the best. I am Archistratigus Michael.
Host: Thank you, Teacher.
Reference: translated from