October 15, 2021
Channeler: Sofoos
The Higher Forces: Sergius of Radonezh
Sofoos: Today is October 15, 2021. I am Sofoos. I am glad to welcome Sergius of Radonezh and wanted to define the topic: the changes in the incarnation path of a human, the changes in the ratio of Souls, scenario, and parameters of 4D dimension.
The Higher Forces: I salute you. I am Sergius of Radonezh. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am happy to convey valuable and understandable information because most of the information we have transmitted all these years has gone into the Talmuds. It was gone into those rare minds, having a deep interest in the Universe. They are not interested in the purpose of using but for the purpose of studying in order to understand the world around us. This information also has a kind of dual meaning. On the one hand, it can be applicative in terms of some conclusions and premises for organizing vectors into the future. On the other hand, it can simply bring that layer of knowledge, givenness, and decisions predetermined for a person from the future and the past (It means the information can be used to shape the future or to understand the current moment).
So, let’s get started.
What is the incarnational path? The fact is that penetrating yourself into the space of the Earth, the Gaia space, the space of your time continuum, into your historical period of the course of history, the Soul, naturally, carries out a mass of transformations, which we have already mentioned many times. On the one hand, in linear time, these transformations and these preliminary stages look to you as preparation. On the other hand, this is all done simultaneously since the Soul is outside the Universe, beyond understanding its work. Consequently, it does not have the concept of time. But it has the notion of entering the system and positioning in terms of its tasks, its organizations of experiments in different spatial variants, in various frequency characteristics: in the first dimension, and the second, and in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and so on. It determines all these parameters not only through a person but also, as you know, through the world of minerals, crystals, the plant world, the biological world, the world of microorganisms, the world of animals, the world of spirits, elementals, etc. All these numerous formations from Intelligent Systems, the Soul is primarily interested in as a method of learning and obtaining particular abilities and skills in creating those or other constructs, which it directs and modifies.
Such construction, which is most susceptible to the influence of the Soul, is a person. The person’s Soul is the primary customer of experience and the basis of awareness, on the lens of which the understanding of the world, perception of himself, and his own personality are founded. And this is the Soul that brings an awareness that the person exists, that he forms his illusion, and that he is defined in the World Creation system. Of course, the Soul itself does not create these properties. It is a kind of upgrade, a condition, some game that is initially given and offered to Souls in the form of a human image that must go through the path of life.
As you know, everyone’s life path has its own time values: someone is born and dies immediately, and someone dies before they are even born, but this is also a specific path. And someone lives a very long life and dies, having lived over 100 or even 160 years. All these lengths and magnitudes have different approaches and meanings created in many conditions. And the Soul, approaching this space, understands and meets these requirements.
What is meant by “these requirements”? The Soul understands what a historical period is. For example, feudalism is poverty, young illnesses, early death, enormous physical exertion, many deprivations, physical labor, primitive emotions, and little knowledge. And, of course, the sensual fields in these situations are absolutely different. And the Soul understands them, realizes them, creates them, and assumes this will be the case. If it is a socialist community, we get closer to your understanding. These are standard existence conditions, a specific social medium, and particular faith from the standpoint of some ideologies and future meanings. There is a strict position in relation to the family unit and rather poor knowledge. In this regard, the Soul forms specific sensual frameworks imposed on a person in very narrow ranges. We will see that it is a time of large gaps in values if we fast forward to your current time. Many of you survived the Soviet era, the era of perestroika, and the period of the creation of the state, in which there is no ideology, no future, and, in fact, the very idea of a future state does not exist either. And this is also assumed in the course of history.
Of course, the Soul understands at this point what values it must create. Therefore, seeing a historical period in which there are no exaggerated requirements for human space, no narrowing of its parameters and ranges (such as Komsomol, Communism, or faith in the Party, for example), it tries to expand these ranges of feelings, directing them toward the possibilities of already manifested space. The Soul sees the human space perfectly in terms of options. It is well aware that this space is already non-linear with respect to time and deeper as frequency. All these spatial assumptions and quantities interest the Soul precisely in terms of the human possibilities, his lifestyle, being, and applicability in relation to his experience. And the Soul begins to perform these experiences.
If we consider the knowledge that we gave you in 2010-2012, in relation to the laying of the incarnation path and periods created by the Soul, we said that the Soul is most interested in youth, the maturation as a basis for the personality formation and the future harvest. Therefore, it used to be the time when the youth was the target area for the Soul’s experience. It was the richest in love, remorse, expectations, certain assumptions, and fantasies about the future. The Soul accompanied all of this with its feelings and understanding of an observer, whom it inscribed in space.
If we define youth and maturity, the second stage for the Soul has always been old age because it is old that those relationships mature, those forms that determine the values at the end of life, summarize, create doubts, disappointments, or, alternatively, create a position of kindness and pride or rationality and wisdom. Many qualities of man are manifested here, which reflect the Soul’s invested experience. Just at old age, the Soul manifests itself in a person as a certain image in his life situations and actions, in his attitude to values, people, and knowledge.
A third option, which forms the first and the second, is childhood. It is the formation of some settings through which the Soul decides to establish in a person what you define as a character, habits, some features, oddities of behavior, shyness, shame, etc. It can amplify or manifest through sensual fields. In the consciousness program, the Soul creates through civilizations and the Principal Determinant, just in the epoch when a man does not yet exist, he is just emerging. They design a person seven years before his birth when his parents begin to be defined. The father is chosen seven years before childbirth and the mother is 3-5 years before. And these people could meet once and not even remember each other’s names, but the child appears with quality signs of father and mother.
Naturally, in this situation, the Soul is well aware of the environment in which that product, that observer, that creation will inhabit for the rest of its life. It creates his childhood and his maturation in various sensual states. It can immerse its observer in a caring family, where parents nurture their child, although this brings nothing positive. Parents can raise a child as a warrior or make him a recluse, a hermit, or an unhappy man, who is also necessary for the Soul as a certain quality. The Soul sees and understands all this perfectly in terms of its sensual fields, not in those meaningful beginnings that you take as poor, rich, miserable and happy, worthy, unworthy, trained, untrained, etc. For her, this is the main thing.
And the last period that will be the most frustrating for you is the one you are in now. It is the period of maturity and the transition to old age. The Soul is almost not interested in those periods since it gives them to the Principal Determinant as ransom. It is a period of service to the scenario in which people work, raise children, create some material assets or go into degradation. It does not matter that much. The most important thing is that the range of their emotions and feelings frameworks begins to fall sharply and reaches minimal values as each day becomes like a Groundhog Day, in which (with the exception of short periods) a person finds himself having the same duties, same events, and the same realities.
This approach to the scenario existed until the last period. As of today, this approach has changed. Beginning last year, the Council of Souls decided to change the incarnational path. This event has gone unnoticed. You even had an offer to receive channeling on this subject, but you had other goals and objectives at that time. Therefore, it is even better we give this information now because the later it appears in the system of people’s awareness, the better for its formation in the understanding system in relation to the people of development.
What was and has changed in the decisions of the Council of Souls? First, the incarnation parameter has changed to “Joint Intelligent experience.” Why has this been done? Previously, the Soul was the sole master in terms of the customer of the experience. It had a co-executor, the Teacher System. They were obligated to support its experience and hold the points of the emotions and feelings frameworks that, like some thread-and-needle holes, were made in a person’s life path for the experience of his emotions and feelings.
Why are we talking about this? It is because the events themselves are just like clothes. You can go to the store in a fur coat, you can wear a shirt, you can wear a T-shirt, or you can have no clothes at all, but you still go to the store. It is the same with any condition. The shell, the outline, the coordinates, and the people around do not matter much. In the final state, the denominator of any event is the relation between fields of feelings and emotions. The energetic beginnings and recoil of the incarnational cell itself are integrated into them. We have not talked about this before, but you could guess it because a person’s experience is reflected in his energy circuit and the state of the incarnation cell, which he defines as an illusion, a constituent part in which he is, in which he stays.
Such a picture, such a situation raises some doubts in those who begin this path of knowledge. Everyone thinks the main thing is the events or the person himself who argues, refuses, or agrees, enters into a love affair, or transmits some values, knowledge, etc. It is not an important thing. The important thing is that the Soul superimposes fields of feelings and gets the result it needs in relation to all the incoming values, including time resources. It is also a crucial aspect.
Why has this become important now? The reason is that time was linear before, like a simple line with slight bends. Nowadays, time is a volumetric dimension. It is possible to place emotional and sensory experiences in several variants as if in a kind of sinuses. And man can live through them all simultaneously and perceive them from the standpoint of the experience. That is why the number of observers in relation to the Higher Self of the 4D space decreases literally by orders of magnitude and comes down to 2-3 people. It is because the system of constructing these spaces is sufficient for the Soul to go through numerous experiences using one person. A person could meet someone and worry, but he has a spatial depth of feeling about these events. The person begins to understand that he, having passed a point of the event and received some condition, still has some depth of understanding of why he did not do it. He begins to have an emotional and sensory memory of the unrealized event, which could have been in terms of some assumptions. He understands all this and feels a sort of philosophical state coming on because, passing the event points, he became less nervous and delivered to space those energy states, which accompanied him until recently and became customary for civilizations.
This person begins to react otherwise to the space of the future, the present, society, and his condition. He has different thoughts, including free ones, in which he begins to create assumptions. Man begins to think more freely, less directively. It is the process that many people are starting to undergo right now. In order for this process to occur more effectively, extensively, and deeply, the Council of Souls has decided that all Intelligent Systems must participate in and support this process in its unity.
The only resisting alternatives are civilizations and the Principal Determinant. And their resistance is planned, deliberate, and conditionally directive. In addition, the Principal Determinant holds the axis of the scenario and must create a linear function on the nonlinear future, strange as it may sound. Let’s explain it in plain language. Imagine that you have a three-dimensional picture, holography, in which you can be. But the civilizations and the Principal Determinant sort of narrow that picture down to an ordinary black-and-white image on a flat sheet and feed it into your system of understanding through the old program of consciousness, perception of past and future, and memorized meanings. Despite this, one realizes through clairaudience and clairvoyance that there is something else, more voluminous and significant.
Let’s consider those people who have already entered the system of understanding 4D space with their consciousness. There are not many of them, no more than 5-6%, but sometimes the percentage reaches 7. The relation system of the Principal Determinant and these people is a nation-state where only 1-2% of these people are the leading element. The rest of humanity is a kind of “dormant” system, a semi-phantom entity that sleeps, eats, worries and creates some basis for the future from the standpoint of their formats of behavior and attachments. They are not conscious in terms of understanding those processes that occur over them and determine the illusion, their next act, step, word, or thought-form.
There are not many people from the advanced link on the planet. Mostly, they are the younger generation and children. Also, some adults guide and create this future. They have a rather painful attitude to these processes because one system pulls them back, but another is trying to pull them forward. This stretching intensifies every year. And sooner or later, the person (his Soul) makes a conscious decision: either to make rapid progress and disconnect with the 3D perceptual space or to return to its realm and define himself as a 3D construction who believes in what is happening, depending on money, property, etc. And it is all happening now synchronically.
In creating the new incarnation path, the Council of Souls understood very well that all of humanity could not be in these new states. Therefore, the Soul has a choice: to order the old system of incarnation or order a new one when a child is born. There is also a third way – it changes the incarnation path of a person who exists now and has woken up. This person requires very different management and definition of the development state.
If we consider a child, first of all, the Soul lays in him the initial path. Childhood becomes the scope and attitude of the Soul toward the future. It means that in the first stage of a person’s growing-up, he begins to invest those creative beginnings, future abilities, and skills that he will define in the future space as some conductor of his own orchestra. This orchestra consists of himself or, more precisely, of those strings that play in him as certain investments, as systemic forces.
What are these systemic forces? These are the Monadic Mind, the Time Hierarchy, the Mind of the Worldmakers, the Mind of the Spirits, and other Minds, which you do not know yet but will manifest in the near future. And, of course, it is the Teacher System. They are accompanying this path and are actively changing and adapting to these states. Therefore, the Council of Souls has obliged Mind Systems to provide this experience and define it in terms of personal development.
The second stage and the last are maturity and old age. It is the path that springs from childhood and adolescence and creates opportunities in which one learns to control the perceptual space. If a person has learned to do this, he naturally does not need a directive and event points. He starts to create them on a whim. In other words, the Soul begins to tell him through the sensual fields which zone to enter, which society to integrate into, which systems to be defined, with whom to contact, in which coordinates to live, etc.
The Soul begins to regulate the process but does it through the format of the observer that has already awakened, the one who can see himself. Without this vision, without the open-eyes-state, analysis of the past, the future, and self-analysis, observers cannot get guidance. It looks like putting a glove puppet on your hand and playing theater, which is happening now. Nevertheless, the state management of the own systemic state of forming the future foundations, communication, and creative moments is an art, a whole layer of the state management and interaction of the Mind.
As you understand, this process is problematic to implement without the interaction of the Intelligent Systems. And this process is just beginning. Just a few months ago, we started to transform the incarnational path of those men who have definition in the system of future relations of development. We cannot call them intelligent people, but they can no longer be called an observer. These future development relations are very complex because the big inertial part of consciousness, memory, and anchored energy in the Incarnation Cell not only interferes, but it is a heavy load that is almost impossible to tear off and even more so to move. Despite everything, this is what development is all about. It is the experience of the Soul. Therefore, the Soul will create such emotions and feelings frameworks, under the influence of which a person will be liberated, dissociated, repentant, purified, etc. And it is not even a question of purification. It is a question of choosing those very progressive states, actions, words, thought-forms, meanings in which he will live tomorrow, etc.
Here it is necessary to understand that these states are brought up, created, and based on contradictions and duality, which is the basis of refraction processes of the experience concept, for the sake of which this Universe was created. The new forms and states of emotions and feelings constructions emerge in contradiction and conflict, repentance, suffering, experience, and catharsis. The Soul captures them as its new creation. And it does not matter what a person defines as an event at this moment: terrible grief, his own illness, a fall from a height or a chronic binge, or, on the contrary, a victory in sports (though it is very doubtful). What is important here is what states he starts to fix directly in his system of awareness, which changes his structure of consciousness program. And this program is forced to self-remove and be replaced by a new one. Of course, it is an entirely different conversation.
It is the new approach to the incarnation path. In essence, there are two formed stages. If we take a mature person, the bet is on his transformation. Moreover, this creation can have any direction: into the technogenic through the consciousness program, and vice versa, when civilization, and now Jupiter approaches, starts to insert its systemic developments into the direction of already new technologies, states, definitions of society, and notions of development.
Until recently, you had the notion of friendship, trust, and a kind of community in terms of creative unions. Everyone lived obligatorily in his family, a house, and an apartment. Now more and more people realize they do not want to live in apartments, houses, or families. Figuratively speaking, they are pulled gradually into the space created by the agreement of the Souls. Souls, having united, begin to pull up these people with their rays. While these people are asleep, you could say they are walking with their eyes closed and feeling everything more in their dreams than in reality. This function, this feeling is going to build up. And soon, you will see that the transformation of the community and the public among creative people (we are not considering phantoms who perform the script) will increase.
Naturally, this will cause some forms of resistance among the scenario writers, but not so much as to prevent it since the Principal Determinant and the Architect are also part of the Souls project. And no matter how much they resist. No matter how many contradictions they create, it is all part of a unified whole based on duality and contradictions. We call it the Creation. You are in it, for which we congratulate you.
All the best, thank you. We will answer your questions later.
Sofoos: Thank you.