January 4, 2023
Channeler: Sofoos.
Higher System: Nicholas the Wonderwork
Sofoos: Today is January 4, 2023, I am Sofoos. I welcome Teacher Nicholas the Wonderworker, and I wanted to define the topic: “Human health in the present stage, a representation of the spaces in which one should be in terms of the status of energy, the status of faith in oneself, faith in the future.
The Higher System: I greet you, I am Nicholas the Wonderworker. I am glad that you have identified this subject again. It is quite large, and quite difficult to understand. And you correctly noted or asked that there is a concept of the status of faith, the status of representing the future.
What is the meaning of status? It can be compared to a view of one’s own identity. For someone, this representation is limited to his own clothes, his own food, his own communication with his loved ones, certain notions, and memorable meanings, and that is where the status sort of ends. You and I once went through this subject; this subject was given by other Teachers as well.
Naturally, this status has certain extensions towards 4D space, towards introspection, towards certain perceptions that are atypical for an ordinary person, who lives his life at someone else’s command, with directive thought-forms, with directive events, which he simply lives, creates and executes.
Naturally, this status is determined not only by external meanings, internal state, feelings of space, relations between spouses, children, loved ones, relations with society, with the space of information, it is also determined in some other shell, in some other state, which is really called – the status of belief in oneself.
And what is self-belief? It is just those aspirations, those states, which define a person in a certain confidence that he will not get sick, that he will overcome certain events of his life, that he will cope with certain hardships, with incoming destructive values, if we can call so a complicated version of those states that you live, in fact, every day in this or that state. And the destructive values can be even tea with chemical additives, dirty water, information on TV, it can be anything.
And, naturally, man does not have such a rigid, rigorous, large analytical unit that distributes, analyzes and creates around these values the concepts of necessary-unnecessary, useful or not useful, although all this is relative. But the status of belief in oneself allows a person to go at a confident speed, and this speed is not directed somewhere forward, not to some specific future, conditionally, from morning to evening or from Monday to Friday, or from Friday to Monday, but just it defines a person in a certain expansion, in a certain format of creativity, in a certain format of connection with other creative people. And this is what faith is all about.
You don’t have to believe in God, you just have to respect God as a certain system of Creation, as a certain system of creating you as observers, as creators, as a certain state of introspection. And you have to believe in your own system of understanding, in your own system of immersion into those foundations, into those states, which are inside of you, which are implanted in you and have been implanted in you practically during your entire conscious life. And it doesn’t matter if you are 20 or 70, it doesn’t make any difference. And this faith is a kind of understanding of those very meanings, those very foundations that you need or don’t need.
And when you begin to analyze this whole strategic pyramid that was founded at your very birth, when you were created as a human being, an incarnation, you will realize that many of these meanings are simply unnecessary, simply a junk condition. A state that pulls you back, that returns you to the past, a state of the very beliefs, the very understanding from which 3D space was woven and created.
What does this mean? It means that one begins to divide one’s space in the form of the status of faith, as it were, into two parts. This, of course, is a whole science, a whole methodology that needs to be taught, that needs to be teachable. There are many Forces behind this methodology. Naturally, if you leave this methodology to the civilizations, to your directive thought-forms, then nothing of the separation will, in fact, work, because all that is invested in you is invested by the civilizations themselves. They will optimize these states, they will conditionally improve them, they will create some proportions, some emotions of improvement, optimism, inner state of well-being, inner state of reduction of fears, etc., and even in society they can correct the relations and the scenario plan, etc., but they will never separate what they have created themselves.
And this is where the status of faith begins, the faith that you can go into 4D space and in that space create much more, more confident, much more reliable states that you need right now. And we have defined these states for you dozens, and hundreds of times. These are states of constant living in joy, constant living in harmony, constant living in a state of freedom: freedom of the spirit, of the body, freedom to perceive space, which is called incoming values, events, etc.
And in this status of belief the incoming events are already presented as a certain philosophical value.Yes, you can get upset, you can just become transparent, you can even rejoice in the fact that you have guessed these or those meanings. Here it is your choice, because this status of belief is a kind of value that constantly makes your inner sanity, your inner world, move in the direction of 4D space and divide your space into two parts.
And this space can be defined as a certain component that is allocated to memorable values, to the tendency or quality of perception of incoming events. The quality of perception has to be deciphered, that is how you perceive them in general: you simply trust them, you fear or enjoy them, or you analyze their purpose, their continuation, their vector, their orientation towards certain states of your inner world, your inner program of consciousness memory, habits, etc., this has to be understood. And this is the state of your energy balance, which allows you to feel yourself as a person being ill or a person undersaturated with energy, depleted, tired, or, on the contrary, you are awake, you want to live, you have a lot of new states, ideas, suggestions to yourself.
And this is where it is necessary to activate the status of faith, the status of understanding exactly those states that you define in yourself. And this is where all the illnesses that have accumulated within you, all the values that create fatigue, tiredness, depression, some form of fear of the future or fear for your loved ones, children, parents, begin to transform, begin to change. Saying this in words is, of course, easy. In reality, it is deep processing, which again today is mostly present in the form of regressive hypnosis, various practices of transformation, but it all goes through the program of consciousness. It’s again civilizations, it’s again those very systems that will never destroy what they’ve created, or at least they can change it, but they won’t let you go from the control of 3D space.
And in this case, it’s not about entering some fundamentally new space, it’s about entering your state of possibility, your state of inner peace. And there you will find much more, a thousand times more, than you can get from linear events, from money savings, from luck in business, even from the conversations you are in, from sports, from any practices you go through, except those that create your inner world, your inner space.
Why do I keep pedaling the question of the divergence of certain states? Only because all the states that refer to the past, to the 3D level program, those values that you and I still observe in terms of incoming events, are an unconditional inhibitor, a limiter of the possibilities that you are given. It is something like a test.
Imagine standing in front of a door and being asked to identify what is behind it: people, nature, garbage, traffic, houses, cities. What is there? And you will never know it through the program of consciousness, because the program of consciousness is created, defined, and subject exclusively to those scriptwriters who create your linear incoming space of events. Naturally, the program is not going to tell you what the future holds, because it is simply not designed to do that, and no one is going to do that. At best, they’re going to give you a tweak and tell you with some fraction of the required probability, 30-40% at most, and that’s essentially nothing that can be there. That’s all the program of consciousness and civilizations can do.
But if you turn on the inner world, you don’t need to look at that door at all. The door simply dissolves. Your perceptions appear before you, your understanding of the future, your understanding of space, in which there are no linear events, but there are states of your energy status, your control of your own thought-forms, your state of perceptions of creativity, expansion of communication. And it seems to be simple, but in practice it is extremely difficult, because as soon as a person begins to move, he begins to be slowed down, restricted, led out, into the false-imagined branches of the scenario, where he seems to get better, seems to get healthier.
And here it is necessary to understand that this status of belief in yourself is still the belief in your own inner expansion, in your inner mind, in your own certain richness of that space, which must be presented. Unfortunately for many people this inner world is revealed only for some time intervals, literally for 5, 10, 15 minutes in communication with the forest, with the sea, with some natural phenomena, in collective practices. And these states need to be maintained, they need to be developed.
And now back to health. Just the status of believing in the future, believing in yourself, believing in the state that you can influence that future, is a necessary component of this health, of this maintenance of an energy balance between your idea of the future and the present now. And if you begin to create in this future your integrity, your energy saturation, just as you imagine that you will create a picture, a figure, simply do something useful, create some dish, in the same way you can create yourself in the form of disappearing addictions, in the form of dissolving blocks that support those or other pathological conditions, back pain, overeating, obesity, etc. And all these pathologies will begin to dissolve and disappear through the status of believing in yourself in the future.
So the status of belief in oneself in the future is a kind of cumulative state of necessity for living, for feeling oneself, and it is one of the foundations of understanding one’s health. And here you don’t have to run to the doctors, look for medicinal herbs. You just have to make a balanced diet, make it comfortable enough for both inner sensations and taste balances, and maintain it without defining the state of nutrition as the main one, because nutrition is also a form of illusion that your Cell, your Monadic Mindfulness for the 3D program supports.
In 4-dimensional space, nutrition itself comes to nothingness. What remains are the so-called samplers, sensations of the richness of space, its variety of codes of the Absolute. It’s about the same as when you look at the variety of flowers, trees, in the same way you determine the variety of flavors. And further on, you can also determine the energetic balances of space, which are currently available to only a few.
And what are the energy balances? It is being near the sea, having one sense of space, being in the forest, in the desert, being in the city, under the ground, in the basement, being in the mountains at altitude, and so on. And these balances have very clear, structured forms of contact with your inner world. Through the program of consciousness, these balances are not defined at all. And, therefore, these balances are as much the flora and fauna of your worldview just as flowers are, as food is, as communication is.
We will talk about communication next time.
All the best, thank you for your understanding, I’m Teacher Nicholas.
Sofoos: Thank you.