Interview with Sofoos. Part 1. The Path to Channeling.
Moderator: I would like to talk to you about how you became a channeler.
Sofoos: Well, when I was a child, I was interested in such phenomena as where do thought-forms come from and it seemed to me that something wasn’t right with the space. I always wondered “where does the past go” and “where does the future come from”. It bothered me in my childhood then it would be erased somehow, then it would appear again. Later on, I became a businessman. My first business was weight loss for women. It was in 1989.
Moderator: What did it consist of?
Sofoos: We used clip-on earrings, Charcot shower, and special aerobics exercises. I conducted dietary correction courses; we translated American authors, and they were progressive then.
Moderator: Have you conducted courses? What kind of education do you have?
Sofoos: I have a degree in Internal Medicine, in Business, and in Economics. I also started working towards my PhD in Economics. It won’t come to fruition though, because I am not actively teaching Economics, and that is what’s required these days to get a PhD.
I began doing business. We had a really big company, it was one of the three biggest pharmaceutical companies. We had seven factories at the beginning of the 2000s. Then everything fell apart, very hard times have come.
My father was very interested in para-esoterics. He had a series of books about people like monks, shambalists and such. These books described people with unique abilities. I began reading this material and all of sudden understood the existence of the whole other world. One day on the plane I tried to slow down time inside myself and realized that I am good at it. Since then it stuck with me. I was intrigued.
It was in 2002, I think, that I went to Donskoy Monastery straight to the Icon of Seraphim of Sarov and asked for just one thing – please give me this secret knowledge that was nowhere to be found at the time. All of it was a mystery. I kept going there, kept asking… and 10 years later I was suddenly introduced to Irina Chikunova who was channeling Seraphim. At our first meeting with Irina Seraphim of Sarov said to me: “you finally came, I was waiting for you”.
That was it. Like a whirlwind, I started writing, downloading into writing. Well, it wasn’t easy. I was 46 or 47, don’t remember exactly… Later on I got acquainted with Moreya. She helped me to get on the thought-form channel and I started channeling these huge, absolutely fantastic works on the structure of the Creation of the World.
Unfortunately, they are not published because they are very difficult to understand. Maybe at some point it will be possible to format and publish.
It’s a structure of a Matrix Code, positioning, the Time Markers, everything interwoven, there are functions, roles of these twin-observers spinning around, there’re functionals of the WorldMakers, the Egregories; it’s like a software… everything is so complex, so intricate.
People don’t need that… I do… just so I’d understand. That’s all.
Moderator: Do you understand? Do you understand this knowledge?
Sofoos: Yes, I do. Because I, myself, was walking the walk. I was asking questions all the time, I got to the point where I was asking my Teacher if, for example, we take dimension. Dimension is not density, density is a different concept. Furniture may be called an object, dense or less dense. Dimension is a frequency, an arbitrary field where the lattice of the Energies of Transformation exists. It’s like a system of coordinates, like little squares on a graph paper. That is where the functional crossing of the linear flow happens. It is a combination of the Time Hierarchy fields, and the Energies of Transformation are constantly spinning…so I asked my Teacher: how do they interact in the moment of overlap or intersect… This was the only question my Teacher did not have an answer for. My Teacher said: “I don’t know, just go”. He knew everything else.
Moderator: Wait, who is your Teacher?
Sofoos: Michael. The Archangel Michael.
Moderator: Archangel Michael… does not know the answer…
Sofoos: Well, he did not know then…maybe he does know by now. I know for sure that the Time Hierarchy know this. I will ask him again.
Moderator: To interrogate…
Sofoos: Yes! That was all! They were teaching me, teaching me a lot, then the introductions to civilizations began. For the first time it happened in Diveyevo. Moreya and I went there to edit that book that wasn’t published. That book is mostly about the Destructive System. It’s a difficult one, from the beginning to the end.
Moderator: What is the name of this book?
Sofoos: I think it’s called “The Fundamentals of a New Worldview”. We have it on our website. When we were coming back from Diveyevo I sensed something was coming. Moreya told me to stop the car; and right there and then I had the first introduction to Andromeda civilization. Before that moment I only talked to the Teachers. After that I began channeling, and began accepting all of that knowledge. I can’t say it was easy. Firstly, when you start channeling, your life circumstances don’t stop. Sometimes you are happy, other times you may be sad. Naturally, at times you miss the incoming information because you have to cleanse yourself all the time. When you are on the channel some civilizations, entities, different energies get stuck to you and accumulate. You have to know how to release it and reset, regenerate and renew yourself. This process is quite painful.
Moderator: Do you see, yourself, what has built up?
Sofoos: Yes, but it’s hard to get rid of.
Moderator: How do you cleanse yourself?
Sofoos: Last time I went to this person I’ve known for 25 years. She is a cleaner. She said I needed to take better care of myself because I had some swelling and blockages. I am happy now, but still need a lot of work.
Moderator: You are cleansed..
Sofoos: Not completely, it needs to continue further. Sauna helps, bathing in cold water, in a sea; fire helps, sitting in front of the bonfire and releasing into fire. You can gather juniper, dry it and smudge yourself. Shamans used to do it.
Moderator: I know, it smells so good.
Sofoos: Yes. There are many different ways.
Moderator: Tell me, in general, being on the channel, is it costly? Does the body physically suffer from it?
Sofoos: It all depends on how much this information is intended for the so-called community. Because there is information that is needed to very few. Let’s say we take the theme of forming the space by the Creators. It seems like a topic about nothing, but there are so many spaces. There are fluid, gaseous, one inside the other, spherical. There are so many varieties, but when you begin revealing it, you may think: who needs it?
Moderator: I am already interested in what it’s all about.
Sofoos: Well, spherical space is closer to 5th Dimension. It’s a very interesting multi-formative space. Not many of our esoterics understand that spaces are not being created by the Worldmakers, the Absolute, the Time Hierarchy, the Teacher System nor the Souls. They are being created by Creators that come and form this modulation, this Three-Dimensional space, these spatial planes. They create this configuration on which the image is extrapolated and overlaid as on film; film could be of any variety, striped or holed or zigzag. When you begin to understand that space in itself is very conservative, especially the 3D space; and then you begin to suspect that in 4D the space is floating, pliable by your fantasies, that’s when all the revolutions happen in your mind.
Moderator: So, this is the idea that a man becomes a creator?
Sofoos: Yes.
Moderator: Are we getting closer to being like the WorldMakers?
Sofoos: No, we are not. Do you have the last channeling about Jupiter that I sent you?
Moderator: Yes, it’s a really good one.
Sofoos: For Jupiter, it is a functionality of utilizing this space. For Saturnians, the opposite, it’s like a hostile opportunity. They take a man under complete control, as if he were a glove put on the hand of a controling system: directive thought-forms, directive events, directive actions, directive life. That is, he thinks he is in charge of his thoughts, actions, events in his life; in reality it is not the case.
Right now we are in between those two; not where we were and not there yet. More than half will stay in 3D, because they are stuck; some are beginning to slide into this new space. Jupiter does not need the Saturnian observers at all…
Moderator: Wait a minute, we will get back to it. It’s a separate conversation about what is happening right now, about the space. I would like to get back to you being a channeler. A lot of people are striving to become one, but it’s a lot of work. It’s not that simple. You have extensive experience in this, so let’s talk about you.
Sofoos: There is a concept in the Teacher system called ministry. I already talked about it many times. There are healers, people that one way or another interact with aging or dying. They are not nurses, it’s a different functionality. Unfortunately, there are very few of them. They are the ones that bring up children, they are not teachers, something like tutors or mentors. Again, this is from different functionality. It’s an educational system I belong to, such as unraveling the World Creation. There are others, very rare, so-called Soul correctors or Soul healers. They can see the Soul’s fields that are warped, they see how the scenario went sideways, and they gently correct and even out those fields. This seems interesting to me, I know how to do it. It’s a complex task, it takes time. Maybe it would be easier to teach people how to be in control of their space.
Moderator: It is unknown if it’s for real, isn’t it? Did anyone present themselves as a “soul healer”?
Sofoos: Subjectively they exist, they are not manifested yet; but in their functionality they suspect on the submental level that this is the only way. To understand that the Soul’s fields of feelings are altered in some way, to see where the scenario is, what could be realized, what could be forgotten, erased, changed somehow. To see all the mozaic and put this puzzle together.
Moderator: Is it possible to re-write the matrix code, the programming?
Sofoos: It is impossible to change the Consciousness program. It is what it is. It can be blocked, or made transparent. You can move from it a bit through sensibility. All the processes of the modulation of a man happen through his intelligence. Therefore the first functional is to excite and wake up that man, so he understands that he is still sensible. That is the problem.
Moderator: Ok, we strayed away again, it’s very interesting, but I’d like to get back to you…
Sofoos: Of course. I was nurtured and taught and brought up. It was not easy; I had to take tests, retake some and repeat the cycle.. The most important is that they squeeze everything old out of you, all that was in you before…
Moderator: I know that when you were getting on the channel you were writing lots and lots.
Sofoos: Yes, I was. Still have all the paper.
Moderator: It’s not like you were writing some poetry, it was that knowledge, right?
Sofoos: When you are writing in this Galactic language or in the language of a certain civilization…
Moderator: So it’s automatic writing, isn’t it?
Sofoos: Yes. It has a certain binding to the information, but in reality it creates algorithms. It all depends on the civilization that is leading the hand; they see everything in advance, they would connect the Teacher if the channeler is willing to minister, be of service forever. Otherwise, the channel and the ability to channel will be gone.
Moderator: Did Seraphim of Sarov come out to you?
Sofoos: Yes, he did.
Moderator: Did he say that you were accepted?
Sofoos: No, he did not.
Moderator: How did it go then?
Sofoos: He checked me out and said that I didn’t have enough knowledge.
Moderator: Weren’t you a big boss then? A smart one too.
Sofoos: I was working in the Academy of Science then. It doesn’t mean I was a big boss.
Moderator: Such a serious person hearing voices…
Sofoos: No, there were no voices.
Moderator: How was it then?
Sofoos: I came to Chikunova, Seraphim of Sarov greeted me and said that I did not have enough knowledge. I told him that I wanted to get on the channel and he replied that although it wasn’t enough knowledge, it would be alright. That’s how it all began.
Moderator: How did it happen exactly?
Sofoos: I was meeting with Chikunova to gain the understanding of what was the concept of time, where did it start and where would it end, what’s the concept of matter. She tried to explain it to me, but it was very difficult to understand because Seraphim of Sarov was speaking through her in the Old Slavic language. Then he finally told me to begin writing. When I started writing I couldn’t stop. I was waking up every morning at 4 and kept writing.
Moderator: Why did it have to be at 4am?
Sofoos: It’s the best time to be on the channel, it’s very quiet. Nothing is in the way. The Egregorie isn’t working yet. By 6 in the morning the channel loses its stability because people are getting up and the astral begins to shake.
Moderator: So, it’s only one hour from 4 to 5.
Sofoos: From 4 to 6. You just sit and write.
Moderator: How long did it take for all this writing?
Sofoos: Two years.
Moderator: Were you writing from 4 to 6 in the morning for two years?
Sofoos: I don’t remember exactly, it may have taken three years.
Moderator: Did you have this immense desire to do that?
Sofoos: Yes. I kept writing.
Moderator: A lot of paper went for it…
Sofoos: More than a lot.
Moderator: I, somehow, remember the story you were telling once. When you were in China, you channeled the Absolute, and it was offered for you to write a book…
Sofoos: No, it wasn’t like that. I was already writing and it was in China.
There was this woman from Cypress, what was her name?
Moderator: Inessa Guterman.
Sofoos: That’s right. She was channeling and connected with the office of the Absolute. They said you have to choose from those present right now who would take the only available spot and be responsible for the educational part. I didn’t doubt it for a second, immediately said – it would be me. Just like that, the spot was filled, and I was told not to regret it.
Moderator: What was the danger in regretting it?
Sofoos: You have to understand, it’s ministry. You cannot stop, you are devoted, you keep ministering no matter what. For example, imagine that you are a hen laying eggs all the time and you say one day that you don’t want to do it anymore. It doesn’t work this way – you must keep doing it.
Moderator: Do you have any regrets in that sense?
Sofoos: It all depends on how to use it and how to present it to people. If you create not only informative content but practical and useful too, some people would find their lives changing for the better. They get happier, life gets easier; they begin to understand why and where they are, and what they really can create. They understand that they have done it.
Of course, it makes me happy. Similar to a parent bringing up a child. When you open up possibilities for people to absorb certain information, try certain practices and see from a different perspective they may actually try it and wake up. Wake up to a different world. Very different from linear autopilot crises, divorses, concepts, talks, et cetera.
There’s also a dream state. When I was taught, it took six months to learn about dreams. I was flying everywhere. Everything was just – wow.
By the way, what else is interesting about being a channeler: you can ask the Worldmakers to let you visit a planet of a certain format; you have to ask a month in advance though, and all of a sudden this space opens up and you just walk around, look at everything. It is so interesting.
Moderator: Well, there’s a good reason to write for three years just for that.
Sofoos: Yes. For three years I was writing out the basic knowledge. When you are saying that time is a marker, the energy of transformation, time is feelings, three types of continuation – people do not understand that at all. It’s a different story when you begin to explain. The concept of time was explained to me this way: imagine two mirrors opposite each other and you are the observer, they are looking into each other and what happens there – many many converging pictures. They are saying that what time is. These moving, changing images, like slides…
Moderator: So, when you were writing you were given the answers to all the questions that interested you?
Sofoos: Yes. In the beginning the Teacher program works with the channeler. Teachers don’t go there, they wait 3 – 4 months until you are done asking all the stupid questions, began to get into parameters; the Teacher would see that you’ve calmed down, set yourself, that you’ve shown interest, only then the Teacher would start speaking with you. The difference was huge. I was led by Michael, then Nikolai joined and later – Seraphim. I’ve channeled mostly these three Teachers. There were also Makarius, Elijah, and Panteleimon. Panteleimon told me he wasn’t a healer, Elijah was the one who knew all about healing. Panteleimon is a methodologist of the Teacher System. He is very powerful. I love him. He is in charge of a very complex sector, because methodology is, in essence, a forerunner of ideology.
Moderator: Do the Teachers each have their own character? One is kind, the other one’s funny?
Sofoos: No, they are divided by a degree of servicing so-called civilizations. The Teacher System was created for the sake of Souls. There are civilizations, there are Souls, there is the Teacher System, the Angelic System and there are so-called wards – observers. In between them, there is this layer of the civilizations that control observers. If the Teacher or Angelic System was removed, total mayhem would ensue. We talked about the scenario in our first webinar, and about the possibilities of perception space management in the second. The third webinar will be about civilizations. The process of disidentification or detachment from one’s civilization is very painful. It’s like a room without a door. You want to leave and have nowhere to go.
Moderator: There are new civilizations now so there is a way out.
Sofoos: Yes, but not for everyone. They choose themselves. They choose observers that are able to imagine, able to move forward. This is a whole science. There is this concept that some civilizations are good, like Pleiads or Orion. The fact that Orion is nazism gets overlooked for some reason. Orion is 98% of the management system of world leaders, bankers and such, and somehow it gets overlooked too.
Moderator: So, who are coming in now?
Sofoos: Well, it’s been a while since the scenario was handed over to Sirius. But Sirius has nothing to do with the scenario because all their observers were set to Orion.
Moderator: This is very interesting but, you see, you are moving into a conversation that is supposed to happen at a later time. I have a question about Egypt. Everyone is talking about Egypt. Is it because all the pyramids are somehow connected to Sirius?
Sofoos: No, those who were building Egyptian pyramids, a statue of the Sphinx, in particular, left a while ago. There are no more so-called Beastheads. There were Dogheads just about 200 years ago. They don’t exist now.
Moderator: I was there, in the pyramids, and everything there points to Sirius…
Sofoos: The pyramids themselves were built according to Orion’s principle.
It is clear that Sirius was present, will be present and will get manifested now; but there’s no such concept as exclusive rights. By the way, Orion went overboard, I think; all of our meager scenarios that I call beggarhood are just because Orion took up all and was essentially creating the same thing all over again.
Moderator: It’s not their first term on this post.
Sofoos: They have moved away from the scenario for almost 15 years. It was in 1943 I think. While all the events of World War II were restored and reformatted.
Moderator: Alright, let’s go back to you. I understand, writing all of that was a lot of work. Haven’t significant changes begun happening in your real life?
Sofoos: Well, yes, they are still happening.
Moderator: I’m asking because you are teaching about disidentification or detachment. Are you detached from your business?
Sofoos: It’s not like that. I still have my business. We’ll talk about it in another conversation. Speaking of the processes, I will tell you this: the processes we really see as best or most significant can be accomplished only with like-minded people. It is impossible to do alone. One can move along this space but can’t escape it. You are kept there by the social contract, your children, your parents and so on. Even though you can move around this space by your own volition and go a little to the right, a bit to the left, up or down – nothing happens and you get sadder and sadder. Because there are no results. Results come out of unity. The field of possibilities opens up only when you connect with like-minded people, interact with them. And this field is stable.