January 25, 2022
Channeler: Sofoos
The Higher System: Sergius of Radonezh
Sofoos: Today is January 25, 2022. I am Sofoos. I am glad to welcome Sergius of Radonezh and would like to define the theme: Participation and possibilities of the Soul, Soul’s understanding in the control system of the events of the perceptual space.
The Higher System:: I salute you. The fact is that from the viewpoint of an ordinary observer, the human Soul exists as if a priori, but where it exists, he does not know: whether in his heart, the space of the Superior System, somewhere near him, or inside him, and so on.
Most people think of the Soul as belonging to some part of their Matrix object, the organism that anchors the Soul. And they define it as something pure, constant, as something necessary. Start asking people what a Soul is. This process will take a lot of time, as when writing a multi-volume publication, because each person will give completely different interpretations.
You could do a webinar on this subject since the state of the Soul, its understanding, and its relationship with a person are very important. It brings confidence in a person, his future, condition, and experience. The point is that man’s understanding of what the Soul is, as a rule, is very superficial and subjective in 99.99%. And from the standpoint of the Teacher System, these concepts are not valid at all. The Soul is a part of the Higher Mind, which came into this system to fulfill its tasks, creations, and constructive beginnings.
Man is partly this creation. Why partially? Because, at best, a person is aware of only 2-3% of what the Soul perceives through him. And you know very well that you have a very narrow sonic range of perception. You don’t see the energies that are outside the light field. You do not see the inner content of objects, their conjunction with Time Markers. You also do not see the thousands and thousands of events in which you begin to participate as some phantom series in order for them to turn into your actual events. You do not see the Matrix codes and perceptual algorithms of others around you. And you also do not see the basis of the scenario’s energy balance and the saturation of the space itself in terms of the energetic presence of the Absolute’s codes. In the city system, the man’s perception is only 1% in relation to Soul. If he lives in nature and is more extended, more open, his perception increases to 2-3%, but no more.
So, the Soul is an intelligent, all-consuming system that creates an illusion of the World through man, his perception, and his awareness system. A man living in this illusion believes in it, trusts it, treasures it, and has a fear of losing his life, opportunities, experiences, material benefits, and informational acquisitions.
All forms of human presence in illusion, appearing as addictions, habits, opportunities, and memory, are created through the Soul and the ordering of the experience system. And above all, the Soul creates an experience through its fields of feelings, superimposing them on one’s time intervals. Moreover, in multilayered systemic relationships, the Soul forms the fields of human perception, the fields of its possibilities. Also, it creates fields where civilizations, the Principal Determinant, and the Destructive system impose thought-forms, and emotions, thus creating events and human life.
In fact, the Soul does not participate in the formation of events and thoughts and does not participate in human conversations and bodily interactions. The latter is the product of the Mindfulness system of the Monad. And these Mindfulness systems are then converted into awareness, which a person perceives as a “here and now” moment, as something that determines his state, life, possibilities, and changes.
Naturally, from this, we can determine that, on the one hand, it is as if the Soul does not influence events. On the other hand, it is the primary customer because the human field of feelings is the basis of awareness. Simply a person turns into “television” without the feeling fields. And the reason is that these fields create his favor and attitude toward the space of perception. No emotion can replace human liking or disliking this space in terms of his feelings because the Soul’s feelings not only connect love, degradation, fields of insatiability, kindness, fear, anxiety, and happiness but also define linked reality. It means the Soul, through its perception, its fields of feelings, through analysis of these fields, creates a reciprocal field of feelings in the system of awareness, which correlates and connects the incoming values into a unified sensual space.
This single sensual space you call the state of here and now, the state of feeling yourself in this space. If you take away the feelings, then your values will immediately break up into separate incoming parameters: separately body, thought-form, objects, and separately sensations, which you receive through space in the form of additional characteristics of information, brightness, taste, and so on. It will all fall apart into separate pieces and not come together as a single beginning, a single consumer, or a single experience system.
The single consumer of the human experience system is, first and foremost, the Soul. The Monad can replace the Soul’s parameters for a while, creating the illusion of presence and an intense experience, although it is not its task and level and not those abilities. The Monad can superimpose feelings, but they are of another category. These are fields of energy saturation, conditional self-sufficiency, conditional wholeness of an organism, etc.
We have already explained these fields. And in this case, the Soul has completely different ones. They sound like music, like some notes juxtaposed into various meanings. In other words, they emit musical accompaniments, which go as notes into events, and then events turn into music. Therefore, music for the Soul sounds as connections of emotions and feelings, those meanings it understands through awareness, this violin, this unity. And for man, this music sounds like significant and insignificant events, like thought-forms, words, communication, and information that he perceives.
In terms of the Soul’s and man’s experience, the man receives a very narrow, limited part of the larger Universe, the vast perception that the Higher System creates just for the Soul’s experience. And in the Higher System, in addition to civilizations, the Principal Determinant, Teachers, and Angels, there are the Supreme System of Mind, the Time Hierarchy, Spirits, Worldmakers, Creators, and so on, who also take part. All these systems create a very complex world, and you call it your life, worldview, and sense of self in space. And on the one hand, space is the property of man. But on the other hand, the illusion is set up that one becomes, as it were, independent or, correctly say, dependent on one’s space. Of course, it is a very interesting move because for a long time, for thousands of generations, the Destructive System has been trained in tuning the fields of human consciousness and its incoming parameters, learning to separate these spaces into two sub-level-values.
Why sub-levels? It is because the values of one’s own body, the sensations of one’s words, breathing, heartbeat, and digestion cannot be separated and cannot be made someone else’s in any way. Unlike this, separating clothes, information, and event series could be possible.
Thus, by separating these sensations, these meanings, the Destructive system achieves duality of illusion, the duality of perception, which creates a kind of swing, a sinusoid of possibilities: perception, a difference of reality. After all, if you serve reality in one tone, in one environment, with the same meaning, you will, in fact, get a buzzing noise, but no one is interested in a buzzing noise. Everyone needs shifts, interactions, a change of incoming parameters, cooperation of civilizations as a concomitant meaning, and a change of script in various systemic relationships with the Soul’s fields of feelings.
What is a systemic relationship? First, it is a change of moods in the form of any events that make a person dependent. For example, he becomes happy and gets satisfaction by getting a reward, bonus, or praise. And on the contrary, the person becomes unhappy, depressed, and conditionally dependent on incoming values if he is punished, deprived of his salary, created the impossibility of repayment of loans, or plunged into some bondage or addiction. All these fields are formed under the influence and consent of the Soul. A person cannot be unhappy, depressed, or be in the event fields of the destructive nature for a long time unless the Soul itself gets closer and starts converting these events exactly in this tone, with these sensual fields. And that’s something to remember. It’s something to know.
Only the Soul determines a person’s feelings. You know there are many examples where a person goes to death with joy, with his certainty that he is right. It was in the Great Patriotic War, and it happens now, but rarely. Here we are not even talking about self-sacrifice. In many cases, people who have been financially dependent, and collapsed, have a feeling of joy and happiness. And people come to understand that they don’t need all this chaos and addictions. And just these values are formed exclusively by the Soul.
So, the scenario creates a pyramid of dependencies from bank loans, impossibility, social environment, pressure, and high organization of destructive parameters. And at some point, the Soul understands that it is too much, it’s not interesting, and this experience has no connection with the new space. It simply creates fields of happiness, joy, etc. And a person realizes that all these events only brought him joy and happiness.
It is what the Soul and its fields are. Consequently, any incoming destructive meaning that a person defines as some dependence, fear, or emotional experiences, including in relation to oneself, children, and parents, can be turned into a completely different modality, completely different meanings: the illness will turn into recovery, anxiety about children into their independence, parents’ illness into a kind of period that needs to get over that. All of these states convert to totally different environments of understanding.
What is the environment of understanding? It is when a person does not sink into an aggressive, toxic environment where every sign prompts his duty to respond to destructive codes, thought-forms, and so on, giving up his energy, turning into a tired, broken, depressed, anxious, or empty person. Conversely, he begins to create an inner space of self-confidence, new patterns, new summations, states that are pleasing to him, that he needs. It is the state of the Soul. When the Soul sees that human, Monadic, and spiritual intelligence find the path of creation, it also connects its reasonableness to the creation’s fields.
What are the creation’s fields? It is part of the creation that man produces. Man has a structure like this when the system of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairconnaissance more correlated with the Monadic Mind. The interaction system with external space through nature, fire, air, water, technogenic structures, and information fields is still the work of Spirits. The system of inner understanding of the vectors of creation, the similar part that defines man in the future as a state, a vector of comprehension, his necessary experience, required condition of life’s journey, is determined by the Mind of the Soul. And the Soul begins to enter these fields of intelligence, forming within them vectors and constructive patterns and knots that begin to bind a person by a kind of conjectures, initiatives, internal systems of observation, creation, and vision of themselves in the future.
Naturally, this vision is anchored very much in the Soul code. It practically is a human commitment to defining this or that experience. It is most often aimed at the possibilities of a space created for a person. We can divide this space into three conditional parts. First, it is a totally unfree space as, for example, cities, full employment, kindergartens, schools, cars, traffic, prices, wage dependence, etc. Second, it is a semi-free space. It conditionally is a villager with less dependent conversions, less dependent parameters, and the ability to provide for himself. Also, it is a kind of remote work system and so on. There are many examples of this. And in this environment, some creative initiatives come to man. The Higher System stops controlling this person but begins to initiate the constructive processes within him. They begin to awaken him and move him toward systemic improvements in his fields of possibility. After all, even on the remote or hanging out on social networks, many people get depression, emptiness, and, most importantly, an active process of degradation, which the Soul sees as you see the computer screen or your cell phone screen.
One way or another, these processes are directly related. And if the Soul sees that a person begins to develop, begins to create within itself the need to manage the space of the future, it begins to abandon the event series, forming and directing the mono-fields of sensitivity.
What are the mono-fields of sensitivity? They are some substrates of fields of feelings, which the Soul consistently builds into the human system. The Soul forms them having the conviction that this person will precisely go the way of development, controlling the space of time, creating a fantasy, creativity, new ideas of changing the perception space in those or other categories, including the constructive beginning.
It is a very important point that you need to assimilate. By defining these stable fields of feelings, constant in the system, one has a sense of being a Warrior of Spirit. This field (the Warrior of Spirit) is a state of confidence that one begins to go somewhere, to achieve something. And he will always go in this direction.
Of course, civilization has a host of antidotes against this state of the fields of feelings. They begin to bring the individual down, applying, in fact, the entire set of destructive methods to change his state from viral diseases to financial addictions, breaking social contracts or simply interfering in social fields, in social relationships creating family conflicts, and so on.
All these systems are well known. And a person must understand that if he has the sense of a Warrior of Spirit, the belief that there is only one way and no other, then he must follow only this way – the way of creation, development, formatting of his future through creativity. Everything else does not matter anymore. It no longer matters to the Soul.
Seeing that a man (the intelligent man above all) begins to stand out, the Soul amplifies the fields of feelings that transform man from a Warrior of Spirit into a creator, a man of constructive creativity. Then a person understands that he has reasonableness born inside, which brings him great happiness, joy, and harmony. The man begins to express himself in creativity, build his own space of the future, and put his meanings into it. It is roughly like the birth of a child, to whom the mother looks with smile and tenderness, seeing him as a creation of God, born out of her body.
From the same standpoint, we can consider the Creation that a man defines in relation to his creativity in the future when he puts into the states he wants to achieve, the elements of Emotions and Feelings frameworks, the imaginative touches, representation, and unity. And here, of course, it is not an easy path, but no one is going to clear it. The Soul can only strengthen or weaken its fields at specific periods when it sees the impossibility of passing through a particular state. And the Soul sees and protects this state.
A creative person, a searching person, who begins to control the perception space in the future, is always under the deep guardianship of the Soul. The Soul’s fields become adjacent, and one becomes prone to tears, feeling, and reacting to others from very sharp angles of understanding. You have to treat it properly because the Soul’s fields of feelings, coming close to human consciousness, also create secondary inner problematic areas of perception of space, and the man begins to feel injustice acutely or to see people through in terms of his personal understanding, his demands, and Ego-program. Strange as it may seem, the last one does not disappear immediately.
And here, it is necessary to do an in-depth analysis of oneself in terms of understanding: first the development, and then, as secondary, the relationship with the fields of reality, and even more so with the fields of the future.
I want to end here and wish you a happy journey. We will continue after the first practices. I am Sergius of Radonezh, with love and understanding.
SOfoos: Thank you very much!