Perception of the Soul’s fields and their interaction with reality
Host: Sofoos
Higher Powers: Saint Nicholas
Moderator: Today is April 4, 2023, I am Sofoos. I salute Saint Nicholas, and I wanted to define the topic: “The perception of the Soul’s fields and their interaction with reality.”
Higher Powers: Greetings, my name is Saint Nicolas. I’d like to change the subject of our discussion today; not the perception of the Soul’s fields, but the interaction of reality and those sensations that a person can change not from the standpoint of emotions, or his self-tuning with a certain eventfulness, but from the inner world, from inner intelligence. And, as you know, this inner intelligence involves the state of sensing the Soul’s fields. Separating a person’s inner intelligence, Claircognizance, Clairsentience, and Clairaudience at your stage of interaction with this information is challenging, but it is doable.
What exactly is a lens of perception? This is a type of perception that occurs not just at the level of thought forms: Is it correct or incorrect? Is it required or not? Should you or shouldn’t you? But this is exactly the state that you experience in the form of an energy status, a sense of physical well-being, and a certain polarization of the events and interactions that you encounter: a meal, a trip to nature, going to work, everywhere.
All of these exchanges are seen in the volume of the body, in the volume of bodily sensations, and whatever they are, they continue to remain there. Sensations of the Soul, particularly those that do not include the state of close affection for a child or a loved one, or the state of engagement with the surrounding space, appear to extend beyond the outside boundary of the body, beyond its conditional stay in this illusion. And these exits unfold across the entire space. This is the major distinction between Soul fields, because the Soul imposes sensory fields not only on a person’s Monadic cell, but also on the state of the entire surrounding space, as if coloring this world with its own blanket of possibilities, a blanket of perception, the colors of the rainbow of some internal reflections.
These states are delicate and difficult to grasp, but they can be defined and separated from the perspective of specific trainings, messages, and states, and these common fields, on the one hand, are your own perceptual status. That is, if you are in love, this love does not belong to the emotional series; rather, it is in constancy. Even whether you are upset with something or simply contemplating something, this condition, like a kind of light, penetrates your space and the space of perception, as if penetrating everything around you. And these fields, these states are, in a sense, invisible, known to you, but they are also almost fundamental in terms of the state of possibilities, the state of liking or disliking space.
The soul clearly understands the observer’s functionality and tasks, and if this observer has had an experience of destructive interaction with the outside world, then it naturally prepares the observer for this by defining states of anxiety, fear, confusion, defenselessness in him, and so on. The Soul clearly specifies all of these states by changing the tone, inclinations, and initial forms of production of particular event points, in which a certain consequence of the matrix world’s convergence, emotions, and internal condition arises. These internal states, these proformas, are our subject of research today, and our subject of future contact with you.
The Soul creates a system of the same intelligent circuit, but the inner world of a person’s intelligence can, in a sense, duplicate the programme of consciousness, not creating a thought form, but giving clear understanding, not creating sensory fields, but defining a certain attunement, a certain energy capsule, in which there are colors, a rainbow, some harmony or disharmony. Furthermore, the Soul can produce sensory fields that are, first and foremost, long-term and difficult to modify; they change only at the moment of passage of some cardinal event. Then this occurrence shifts a person’s relationship with space, shifting him to a different observer status, a different system of worldview position, and a different energy exchange with space.
And these fields can consist of different layers that we have already gone through: goodness, warrior spirit, righteousness, a state of interaction in the form of gratitude, love for the world around, there can be multiple kinds of gluttony or addiction, ranging from a delicious smell to the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco smoking, including bodily pleasures, and so on.
And, naturally, the Soul, passing through the fields or building fields of gluttony, chooses an observer through the Monadic fields in combination with themes or conditions and states of gluttony, and this observer then begins to surround himself in reality in the form of an assembly of events based on deviations to preferences: this can be a personal relationship, food, maybe even, it can be physical exercise, can be information exchange, body culture. And all of these states add up sequentially, compliment each other, or, on the contrary, expand.
One way or another, all these states of gluttony are a rather complex composition that needs to be sorted out. It is necessary to draw up your own portrait of the personality of gluttony, or you can simply call it some kind of forbidden fruit that is currently inaccessible to humans.
But I called it forbidden not because it opens the way to another space, although this is a little true, but it is unavailable because today both the program of consciousness and the system of interaction of external information values exclude these fields, as if creating their zero informational status, or simply nothing is reported about them.
In fact, these sensory fields exist, but you call them preferences, dependencies, and so on. But this is already a secondary phenomenon; these are some forms of dependence already created on the basis of sensory fields fixed on the programme of fear, which are already tied to the memorable meanings of a person and are tied to the energy exchange of the supervising civilization. And a person is already inserted into a certain canvas, into a certain road, into a groove, whatever you want to call it, and already begins to follow those forms, fears, and dependencies that are given to him: it can be isolation, unwillingness to communicate with society, the sufficiency of a small enclosed space, preference for fatty or, conversely, ascetic food; it does not matter, since the status and form of energy exchange are important in this case. Which is what we need to talk about next time.
It is the energy exchange that determines a certain state, the essential shell of those processes that are already deep inside in terms of the formation of a further illusion or, in your opinion, the future.
Before forming any preferences, states, or certainty of future values, it is necessary to understand the sensory fields, divide them into layers, understand their interaction with each other, and create some new concept of sensory fields because this concept must be harmonized, coherent, and synchronized with the Soul itself. On the one hand, this method is difficult; on the other hand, it is simple.
When a person realizes what his sensory fields genuinely reflect, and how strongly or weakly they are distorted from the perspective of the incoming reality, the distorted experience that a person is living through today, these systems naturally begin to interact, radically different, with a warped beat. And a person has some concerns about the correctness of life, the correctness of the road, some futility, or alternative possibilities that he wants to learn, live, and feel. As a result, when individuals begin to awaken or enter 4D space, they frequently begin to leave their families, separate with loved ones, go to other coordinates, commit absolutely nonsensical behaviors, lose states, or acquire some new status where they never imagined of being. And it is in these phases that a person begins to show his harmonics, his genuine level of experience, where the Soul wishes to remain.
And it is at this point that a very significant philosophical question arises. The truth is that a person has established strong inner convictions over a period of 30-40-50 years that he has lived appropriately, interestingly, pretty thoroughly and emotionally fulfilled. And when this harmonic begins to develop as if from within, as if born again, a person realizes he has entirely distinct talents, possibilities, and, in general, a different universe. Furthermore, it is bolstered by the potential of 4D space, which begins to open these areas, bookmarks, in which the Soul resides fairly quietly and without any effort. And now is the time to mark, not miss, the moment when you begin to shift from the old sensual constructs of the Soul to new sensual creations.
And in this case, you do not create these structures, but you simply define and augment those in which you are somehow required, as if you should be in the experience that the Soul laid down. In fact, this is a kind of creation and creation of the system that is necessary for the Soul and the entire external system, since when creating a person, the entire external system (starting with the Main determinant, civilizations, Teachers) of the scenario agreed to receive just such a result. You get nothing new, you get only the correction of those distortions that, like a natural equilibrium, like some kind of imperfection, conditional impossibility, were not created, not manifested, not defined.
However, at this time, highly fascinating matters occur, which are referred to be the Universe’s uniqueness. Realizing that it has been given the opportunity to return to the fundamental harmonics of the inherent experience, the soul begins to generate, bring in, and increase new states. They are no longer harmonics; they are a certain driven force, a certain spirit of the Soul, that begins to take you to completely different surfaces, islands, clouds, or whatever you want to call these spaces, in which you are already beginning to open up with a completely different possibility, with a different polarity, with other states, and these states, on average, are hundreds, thousands of times more powerful and deeper, wider, and more interesting.
But the issue here overall, the consciousness programme, cannot accommodate such a depth and breadth of inner feelings. And here, a twofold effort is required: on the one hand, new sensory fields must be understood, held, and revealed; on the other hand, a specific new condition of possibilities must be determined in the revelations of a prospective scenario. And this is vital because if you do not expose the scenario’s prospective possibilities, literally do not foresee the future, it will be difficult to reveal those states of the sensual fields of the Soul which are nested.
And in this place the Soul, of course, lags far behind. As a rule, she does not have the necessary experience and, most importantly, those practical bookmarks that the program of consciousness or the Teacher’s system, or the Main determinant has, and therefore new systems of civilizational states appear: these are the civilizations of Jupiter, this is a new Teacher’s system, including the Spirits and so on, which interact with the surrounding space, begin to create casts, proforma representations not only of sensory fields, but also passages into the future.
What is a passage to the future? This is a certain configuration, consisting of energy and potential emotional and sensory frameworks that come with a certain degree of progress with a certain coefficient of disclosure. This is a rather difficult work on oneself; it requires not only the interaction of people of development; it requires, first of all, deep inner self-analysis, inner harmony, calmness and, most importantly, the Spirit of a warrior who constantly goes forward, because, as you know very well, there is no victory without defeat, and in this case it will be a sinusoid all the time, it will be all the time resetting some unnecessary or old structures and developing new ones. This is how a person’s development is arranged, he cannot constantly accumulate energy like a battery without dumping it, and the reset is still carried out through society, through a script, through a program of fear, through losses, through transformations, and so on.
And in this part, a person who follows the path of development, namely the formation of new fields of the Soul, must perfectly understand this circumstance, since the Higher System, and even more so the supervising civilizations, simply do not have another option, since it simply has not yet been created. But energy investments are already being created in a person, where it is possible, without going through scenario experience, to create energy investments that will transform both the future and the past, based on those already laid down results. But this is a completely different, voluminous and complex topic, which you do not need to dive into yet, but we will definitely tell you about it. For now, that’s all.
In the next step, I will tell you about the details, and I will give you one exercise to bookmark. First of all, when you begin to feel your fields, you should take a couple of glasses of warm water (not acidified, not alkalized) on an empty stomach in the morning and just immerse yourself in meditation. You do not have to sit in a yoga pose, or lie down, you can just be in nature, stand with your back to the wind, or be in a comfortable relaxed position, in this case, the body itself should be in a neutral zone of interaction with your system. And in this conditional meditation, you leave with your states into the surrounding space, creating not a cocoon, but vice versa, creating a certain system of investigation. Consider that you have lost the key in the room and start looking for this key by moving objects, opening drawers. But this, of course, is not the best comparison.
And in this case, you begin to expand the field of your observation, the field of curiosity, the field of the state of certain dependencies on the future result with a sphere in all directions. After all, it is the desire to win in the game, in fact, is a kind of fear of losing, and, naturally, if this paradigm is transferred to your search, then you will be afraid not to find these sensory fields. It is this state that needs to be created in order to completely exclude it later. It is the fear of impossibility, the fear of lack of results that will be your main obstacle for the future.
Then you start looking or discovering peacefully, just wandering, not knowing what you will find or what will form within you. And with this field, you gently begin to expand it, as if exploring the space outside of you. Initially traveling to the end perimeter of observation space from your body surfaces, you create a type of research zone, similar to passing through a mine detector, but in a spherical form. The sphere then continues to grow and, in a sense, fills the entire surrounding world. In truth, this is the illusion made for you in the shape of perception based on present values. Then you start coloring these expanding spheres into different states with iridescent colors that you fixate on, and maybe even a sound will arise. And you will suddenly begin to notice your state of vibration in these sound tonalities; also, these colors may be entirely different from those you normally see in life. It might be violet with a strong mother-of-pearl presence and golden undertones. And so forth.
The major goal of this practice is to identify sound spots that will be about the same with each new interaction, with each new practice, which takes approximately 10 to 25 minutes. These color points will be captured by these states. They are not tied to the distance from the body; they are simply outside of your Monadic cell system, but many can be found within. In this scenario, you should fixate on all of these points, which will range from 3 to 8, as a specific system of color, sound, and vibrational state.
Furthermore, by approximating these values, you will grasp what fields they consist of. If this is love, you will feel a warmth inside and a desire to shed a tear; if this is a goodness, you will feel gratitude; if this is a warrior of the Spirit, you will feel that this is your tomorrow, that this is your state, that this is your confidence in your growth; but it is not a search, and there is no need to go somewhere. If this is gluttony, by the way, and they are quite meager in terms of color and sound fields, and there will be a lot of them, then you will see and hear zones of influence that you simply need to remember, but remember not in the sense of repeating but of perceiving and setting aside as perceived.
Then you begin analyzing these fields, going through these transactional states, gradually understanding this multi-layered field without imposing the contour of their decoding in the form of words with thought forms, you analyze it subjectively, with clear understanding, and only after clear understanding do you discover that they belong to one or another component.
To do so, it is vital to restate what fields the Soul possesses, and that it may also contain fields of anxiety and fear, but only on a basic level. As you are aware, there are initially cowardly people who, with their boldness and with outward bravado, may very rapidly transform into a completely opposite reaction in appropriate event fields, creating the fundamental principles of fear. There are also states of pride, which are a type of emotional field in some circumstances and an imposed kind of fear from civilization in others.
There is a lot of work here, and it cannot be done in one or two days, but after this explanation, having understood these fields, you will absolutely understand at the level of your own sensations which fields are introduced here, which are superfluous, which are not required, and which will be sweet for you, like beautiful flowers, to which you are already initially attached, like people you love.
These states can even be exchanged between humans, and other people can enter them with your permission. In this scenario, this practice allows for the detection of conglomerates of sensory fields, regardless of whether they resemble spheres or multi-layered planes.
The only thing that matters is that this type of analysis begins with you, and this analysis will lead you to the realization that your sensory fields are divided into two groups: a doubt group, in which you are unsure, and a group of exact preferences or simply certain preferences, in which you are already at home, as in your Soul’s state. Following these practices, you move on to another choice: forming the hallways of the future. This is a far more sophisticated game, state, and practice, which we shall discuss next time.
Best wishes. Saint Nicolas is my name.
Moderator: Thank you so much, Saint Nicholas.
Reff: translated by Tatiana T. from website