Channeler: Sofoos
The Higher System: The Conglomerate Mind
Sofoos: Today is May 27, 2022. I am Sofoos. I welcome the Conglomerate Mind and wanted to highlight the topic: “The possibilities of the influence of human intelligence on the program of consciousness, on the supervising civilizations, on the system of the Principal Determinant, and on the whole scenario from the point of view of today’s period.”
The Conglomerate Mind: We salute you. We are the Conglomerate Mind. Our system has quite a lot of experience in various areas of conjugation of space 4.3 – 4.4D in relation to destructive forms of controlling the eventfulness of the observer.
First of all, you must understand that the very space in which you live, although it is presented as a three-dimensional structure with a rigid type of conscience, is already on the platform of the fourth dimension. Speaking literally from the point of view of construction, the building that you observe in the form of your worldview, in the form of your eventfulness, is already on floats, on a very unstable platform that constantly vibrates, creates interference and risks (and, in principle, they already exist) of the collapse of both the scenario and the understanding of a person in his future, in his intentions, in his goal-setting.
Naturally, such a situation, such a state of affairs greatly strains those civilizations that are still leading this scenario, which will continue for several more years. As you know, Jupiter will fully ascend to the pedestal only in five years, maybe even six. No one is in a hurry here, because the transformation earlier in 80-70% of cases went through the complete erasure of the old type of observers and the introduction of new ones with different age categories, different states, and different initial knowledge.
Naturally, such a move and rearrangement is strictly directive, strictly individual, and is adjusted to those civilizations that cannot smoothly transition. Jupiter has already accumulated this experience of a smooth transition, and therefore it has already been declared that a fairly large part of humanity will remain, which will use the 4D space in one form or another, in one or another range, and the part that consists and will consist in three-dimensional (3D) ranges will just peel off. The scenario has already been bifurcated, and they will be watching the scenario that will be assembled on an artificial three-dimensional matrix, which will be very different even from today’s state.
Why? Yes, only because the Matrix of the Earth of Gaia itself will no longer participate there since it is simply impossible in terms of technical, and energy parameters because this Matrix is already vibrating all beyond 4D. And as you know, it is possible to keep the platform of three-dimensional reality 3D at a maximum level of 4.1-4.2, but even then with the active participation of a person, consciousness, his inner intelligence from the point of view of already using certain codes, possibilities, states, transforming one’s own personality into some other creative ranges, expansions, and so on.
And now back to your question. The fact is that the vibration itself and the state itself, which now looks different for many, already have a very strong effect on rationality. It is, in fact, the key to this intelligence, and during wave throws a person has a desire to change his life, expand his capabilities, create something, draw, imagine something, be in nature, and so on. And these states, are just directly related to the Monadic intelligence that is in a person, a cell literally begins to expand, from the point of view of capturing space.
Once the Shambhala Teacher’s system gave you this knowledge; if the range of those who live in Tibet, from the borders of the body to the periphery of the grip, can reach up to a meter or more, then for a person in a city, for an ordinary civilization of an urban and even rural type, this range the maximum was a few centimeters. This is a huge difference. In fact, a person can take whole energy objects into his fields and exist in these objects from the point of view of influencing them, reading codes, and introducing some new values, some new qualitative features from these objects into his states. And this completely changes the process, it completely changes the essence, the directions that form the future of man. In such states, a certain sequence, a certain need, and representability in a person as in a certain internal awareness very quickly arises.
Naturally, the program of consciousness itself, and the supervising civilization, if it belongs to the Saturnian system, will protest and try to change these states, but the point is that imagine when a raw potato starts to heat up, and there is no way to keep it raw, it will still turn into boiled; just like a grain that lies in moist soil, it cannot be stopped from the point of view of growth, it will still sprout both up and down from the point of view of understanding its own destiny. So the rationality of a person begins to “sprout” in the 4D space system, and you feel these vibrations as a reeling of space, like ringing in your ears, some waves, some kind of dizziness, some systems of partially erasing memory in the past (this, by the way, also happens, and there is a reason for this) and other states, including internal sensations, and some forms of pain or, conversely, lightness.
So, the erasure of memory happens just during these wave sinusoids of the 4D space, which now reach a height of 4.5-4.6, and this is a very high frequency, naturally, in such states, those memorable values that are in the system of the consciousness program, but are retained in the system of time fields, because memory consists of densities that formed by the Hierarchy of Time itself, it partially belongs to the program of consciousness as a kind of algorithmization and base database management systems, but the main functional part of the carrier, since it relates more to the Matrix, more to a system of some conservation of emotional-sensory structures, it looks like and is made of densities that are controlled by the Hierarchy of Time; and when there is a high-frequency wave, which now happens either in the morning or in the evening, but here it depends on the region, on coordinates, and so on, it creates, as it were, a dynamic shock, and pieces relating to old events of a very low vibrational nature begin to disappear from memory, and it starts to crumble.
Imagine that the library has a lot of books on different tiers. And then a magician hits the shelves, and those books that describe horrors, suffering, some forms of addiction, or just some deceptive, fictional sources of information, just fly out of the shelves and fall down, and what remains on the shelves is what can help, can create a certain system for the further realization of a person’s personality, his creation, his state of understanding of the future. This function of impact is performed by the Hierarchy of Time itself since it is that part of Intelligence, the system that performs a common task, a common function.
The general task and function of the Council of Souls and on the Galactic Council (these decisions have already been made) are to adapt a 3D person as much as possible, and the task is to aggregate him into a 4D space system, at least at a level of 4.2-4.3, and preferably 4.6 and above, and fix it in this state.
Here is what happens in this state. The fact is that as soon as a person ceases to be in “his” space 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, he begins to completely change his system coordinates in relation to the future.
What are the coordinates in relation to the future? First of all, this is a representation, these are target settings. Now there is powerful grouting and a change in the program of consciousness, which is more adapted to the function of an anchor-limiter, a kind of directive accompaniment of a person, and for many, if you ask them: what do you need in a month, in six months in the form of the future and in the form of a representation, then in at best, a person will name some material objects, ideas, some forms of describing the upbringing of children or relationships with parents. But in relation to himself, his idea will be extremely meager or some kind of typical solution from the point of view of some conditional forms of development: lose weight, exercise, learn some kind of creative arts, and so on. And that is all.
Here you can add many, many thousands of tens of signs 999999 after 99% … until we find a very small group of people who really begin to learn how to manage the space of perception, create worlds around themselves, opportunities that are necessary for the future.
Here, a very large and sharp discrepancy is obtained, since the 3D space itself, the supervising civilization, the program of consciousness, the program of the Higher Self and, of course, some old scenario plan approved by the Principal Determinant, the Cluster System of the Principal Determinant, perform the function of some kind of antagonism, retainer, arch support, according to towards older programs. And this breaking state is precisely the interaction of Intelligent systems in relation to some old profile of a person’s personality, one can put it this way.
And what is the old personality profile of a person? This is your understanding of the world, values, needs, and habits: go shopping, exist in cities, make certain social relations, and types of communication, consume systemic sources of information that the system of the Higher Self and some civilizations that serve the information space give you. All this has already been described dozens of times, but from the point of view of interaction, the following forces act on the side of the Intelligent System:
- Firstly, the main driving force is the Soul of a person, which begins to unfold in the system of the future and the present some of its own creative fields, which have a vector, direction, understanding, and some inner meaningful part.
For some, these creative fields have a rather narrow purpose, for example, cooking, drawing, and playing music. But for more than half, this is still a kind of expansion and withdrawal into oneself, since this is considered the most high-level type of development. That is, if a person simply draws and enjoys it, if he grows plants or even heals, this is a rather low level of development, but if he starts to go into his inner world, he starts to go into a system of some kind of internal study of his fields, his capabilities, your fantasy, here literally begins the creation of new worlds and new states, which you have already heard about.
Naturally, the Soul itself represents the space of the future quite relatively, but it no longer rigidly forms the emotional and sensory frameworks of eventfulness, it creates a certain range of parts. That is, if the emotional-sensory frame of an event in the future, which she needed as a meaningful part of a person’s experience in 3D, was in the form of a certain polyhedron with fairly clear angles, with tangents, with the ratios of certain incoming values, emotions, energies, and so on, now it looks more like a certain energy ball, inside of which there is a certain multi-layered part, containing, of course, ranges, but they no longer look like an angle but like some kind of hemispherical formations.
It is a kind of ball, covered with hemispheres, which contain certain preferences and types of interaction with space. This allows the observer’s own intelligence to maneuver in the system of incoming values, make choices and enter the state of Soul’s preferences in different options, in different possibilities. Since the space is still quite rigid and in this case it is practically not used as a control system, then, naturally, a person in this state should have a certain range, including the range that is associated with the choice of the Soul. If earlier the Soul set ranges quite strictly linearly and in proportion to some time periods, and events, now these states are already removed, withdrawn, and changed to some kind of fluid, vague state.
Here comes a very important moment of your understanding, realizing that these fluid states must be used, because imagine that you bought a bed, and children’s clothes, but the child is still missing, and for some incomprehensible reason: maybe there is just no couple, but maybe you will never have it. So, creating this bed, these children’s clothes, this atmosphere in the form of sensual fields, the Soul is expecting a child, and the child is your state of being able to control space, this is your content part, this is your new personality, this is your inner creation in relation to itself, and it implies a very clear distinction and state of consciousness of those forces that influence your space, your thought forms, and dictate today’s eventfulness to you. And here it is already time for them to look directly into their eyes, and not into their backs, and without throwing the mirror back to see them: this is the program of the Higher Self, this is its “daughter” consciousness – the program of consciousness, this is a circulating civilization or civilizations that stand behind the observer in the form of some preferred energy exchange, in the form of a protected scenario, in the form of social contracts, and so on.
Here there are very strong discrepancies, since the very system of the sensual fields of the Soul becomes for civilizations also a system of a certain field of play since it begins to create those polarities, those ranges that lead a person to their preferred scenario. And if you don’t help the observer here, don’t teach him, don’t direct, don’t do the correction of the fields of the Soul (what you are just starting to do), then he, naturally, moves to the extreme left state in terms of negative energy exchange and again becomes a cash cow for civilizations, since in this case the civilizations of Saturn, in principle, do not consider a person as a rational person. For them, a reasonable person for the most part (but this is at the level of 95% of these civilizations) is still a software part, this is a kind of field for development, this is a kind of “cash cow” for energy exchange, this is part of the scenario plan that they create, this is the performer, this is the test subject, this is the laboratory mouse, and so on. Only in this way do they perceive a person and not otherwise.
And no matter how you try to respect these civilizations, they themselves are programs that are a continuation of those Higher civilizations that already belong to Satan and to the level of the seventh dimension. But some of them really (Draconic as intermediate and some others) in their development program insert the experience of working with rationality, and in this case, these people are already given the opportunity, but, however, on a short leash, to enter a state of rationality, to try to find their own beginning.
And here, of course, the run-up is very large: the higher the civilization in terms of presence in a person, the less chance he has to go into rationality. This applies primarily to the Serpent civilizations (the sixth dimension) and so on, there are very, very different approaches and different evaluation systems. And, as a rule, these civilizations replace the inner rationality of a person, which reveals his inner world and qualitative states, the possibilities of controlling the body, with external systems of creation: for drawing, for playing music, for anything, but only on the outside, and they make a substitution, then they do not allow a person to delve into his own state, to understand who he is. And thus they do not allow a person to see the control system that creates their world, thought forms, and events.
This is quite simple for them, but they go into the intermediate part: the Soul does not receive the experience of the development of the inner world, and the person thinks that he is a creative element. In fact, this is partly true, but he does not burden himself with the problems of managing the space of perception, does not analyze thought forms, and does not think at all that he has civilizations. And now there are quite a lot of such people in the creative fields, in the fields of people of development, and, as a rule, they ignore topics about the program of consciousness, in general, about the role of civilizations. And there are a lot of sources in the form of contactees, in the form of psychics who create or give recommendations on managing reality without mentioning the concept of consciousness, and even more so intelligence. Everything is in the form of some advice, descriptions, in the form of goodness, or form of expansion, and so on.
In fact, this is a complete trick, since a person should have the concept that he himself controls his space, and, consequently, emotions, feelings, and events exactly in those ranges that are expected or preferred by him. Of course, with a decrease in the frequency of the supervising civilization, for example, at the level of the fifth dimension, there is already a little more, and at the level of the fourth, the Teachers and the Higher systems themselves bring out the person, ignoring the possibilities of civilizations, that are, as a rule, simply put congestions, restrictions and a filtering system, which the rationality system bypasses quite easily.
- The second system of Intelligence, which greatly influences the development of a person, is the Teacher’s system, which tries to reorganize and build those relationships that are now preferred by the civilization of Jupiter since the Teacher’s system is a kind of mediation system between the experience of the Soul, the Principal Determinant and the Absolute.
And in this case, the system of experience of the Soul is protected by the Teacher’s system. And, among other things, it helps to build the experience of observers precisely within the framework of a certain single-purpose context with the main civilization in charge – this is the civilization of Jupiter, which has many directions within itself, which they have already told you about. In fact, it can be regarded as one civilization, since they have no disagreements and no differences in the level experience system, there are just directions of intelligence.
Consequently, the Teacher system and the Angelic system especially, since it is very actively involved here, begin to create some kind of navigation, and projection systems, which, one way or another, create an experience and human capabilities. Teachers begin to bring people into the system of communication, into society, and so on. This is only the beginning of the process, but qualitative changes are already beginning. You see that space is changing and will change with even greater and greater acceleration. And the rate of change, if now we take it as a unit, then next year it will already be five units, in a year it will be ten units. Imagine how quickly the event matrix, information matrix, and your system of interaction with other people will change.
- The third system that influences the very process of interaction between man and space is the system of Monadic Intelligence, which forms the inner world of man. But, as you understand, the first two systems are trying to fill it.
Souls represent some future experience and create sensory fields, the Teacher’s system tries to fill and correct all incoming, surrounding a person, his future values: energy, informational, including social, and contractual, there are a lot of interactions, a lot of different problems. And the system of Monadic intelligence itself, it is built primarily as a kind of child structure from the Mind of the Monad, which has many, thousands, millions of cells similar to a human cell.
Naturally, as a kind of child Intelligence or a branch of Intelligence, this Intelligence has ranges of perception, as a person has: you do not see part of the spectrum, you do not feel part of the vibration of space, and so on; and in the same way Intelligence has limitations in the system of its fields, in the system of its possibilities. But this Intelligence is a thousand times and even hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than the very program of consciousness, the Higher Self, and civilization. Therefore, the system of the inner world itself should, relatively speaking, be set up correctly, if you turn on the Human Mind without preparation, understanding the sensory fields, or interacting with the Teacher’s system, then this intelligence can even harm the future, a person can get disappointed in himself, in his qualitative states, go into a state of depression or activate this depressive field and go into himself. This is also observed, especially among children under the influence of substances that are in space as energy values, and under the influence of relationships with parents.
That is, you know that the number of autistic children has increased by dozens, even hundreds of times. This is just an internal protest of the child’s Soul in relation to the external space, it immediately turns the child to the inner world, to the internal state of expansion. Moreover, it is possible to get a person out of autism, this is just a certain practice, and occupation, but the very fact that autists are now appearing among adults also suggests that the state of space in terms of preferences, opportunities, and transformation processes is far from what we would like today, from the point of view, again, of the Teachers and Souls that go into 4D space.
- And the last system and there are many more that you need to remember and know, is the system of Worldmakers, the Mind of Worldmakers, which is a child structure of the Absolute, like Monadic intelligence.
Worldmakers collect the outer space into an integral state, collect your illusion of the body, your household items, food, and information. They combine it into a single whole and create incoming values for you, which, by the way, can also be controlled.
Worldmakers are just a system that listens very sensitively to your attempts to control space and is ready to help you. And it, in fact, is a secondary system, but no longer teaching and helping as the Teachers, but as a matrix of possibilities, as a kind of plastic mass, which in itself provides an opportunity to create your inner world, some of your events and relationships. And the Worldmakers in this part are an ideal intelligent system in terms of building the future.
If you take a period twenty years ago and make attempts to control space, then even the Worldmakers system itself would not allow you to change it. Now it’s the other way around. Just in the light of the decisions of the Council of Souls, they are some conductors of the possibilities of a person, primarily a reasonable one, to influence the space of perception. And this is very important to understand.
And as a result, we get two control systems: one system protects the values of the destructive system, that old, Saturnian one, and the second system begins to work out the capabilities of a person from the point of view of the Mind, and the influence of this intelligence is determined primarily by the Soul itself, then by the Teacher system, and so on. The degree of this influence, including event-related, and the system of coordinates, and society is determined in terms of a certain approach, certain possibilities. Someone is suspended, jammed with alcohol, drugs, work, and social obligations, and slowed down for a while so that those who should be with him are pulled up to him. It may be friends, it may be some new people from the social system since it is impossible to lead everyone on the same level. And a person who has advanced, who has gone forward, is always very different, and for him, even information, conversations, and exchange of information is a boring activity. It’s like chasing flies around the room.
It is possible to adjust people according to their interests, the level of development, and first of all to the system of understanding the space of the future. This is also part of the correction of the fields of the Soul, since the Soul itself very often takes an individual position, forming its sensory fields in a certain range of its own, thinking that the space will bend just under it. In fact, in order to unite like-minded people into a system of universal human communication, it is necessary to literally change these fields by at least 30-50, or even 70%. Not all Souls are ready and agree to this. And here is another contradiction of space – the so-called individualism of perception of sensory fields. But this is a separate topic, it is more complex, it does not need to be disclosed now. Have questions?
Host: I have a question about the level of understanding of the depth of these processes. To what extent is it necessary to create these correction practices now, and to what extent do you see this as a kind of reality from the point of view of several years ahead?
The Conglomerate Mind: We see this reality, there will be few such people, but they will be enough, at least for the space of your state and neighboring countries, with the exception of those who have not even woken up yet in terms of experience.
Not many people really want to follow the path of development. Most are limited to meditation, yoga, or some kind of harmonization system. But you must imagine that if a person has an inner world with fulfillment, then he gets and creates a path. And the way is Tao. The path is already a certain philosophical part, which he himself leads, creates, and develops himself.
Now the vast majority of you are following the proposed scenario, driving like a streetcar on rails and not turning anywhere. And, accordingly, the task is to turn the streetcar into a system of a human circuit, into a system of rationality, and bring a person into a system of relationships with civilizations and with consciousness. This is a rather difficult path, and this has already been discussed, but it is possible because if the system of intelligence itself accumulates a potential that is hundreds of times more energetically powerful than the potential of a destructive system, it will immediately start negotiations. Otherwise, it will lose everything in general, it will burst like balloons.
A person begins to conditionally become enlightened, but in this case, it is very difficult for him because he receives conscience already from a rational system, and then he begins to completely lose his valuable circumstances: his attitude to relatives, even to children, to clothing, food. And all this will begin to blur, which would not be desirable at this stage of your temporary state.
Sofoos: Thank you very much. It was very interesting.