Practice “BALI Breathing”
Pranayama is divided into three parts:
– 9 passes of 4 breathing cycles, with 3 locks on the exhalation of the 4th breathing cycle;
– 6 passes of 4 breathing cycles, with 4 locks on the exhalation of the 4th breathing cycle;
– 3 passes of 4 breath cycles, with 5 locks on the exhalation of 4th breath cycle;
1st part – 4 exhalation cycles, 9 breaths each:
three cleansing breaths:
– on the inhale, visualize the Golden Ray emanating from the Sphere formed in the space of the Teacher System, direct this beam to the top of the head and through the chakral column direct to the lower dan-tian (about 4 fingers below the navel, or bladder area) and fill that area;
– breathing in the way of Ujjayi: we slightly squeeze the vocal slit and get voiced breathing (similar to a baby’s breathing during sleep);
– as we exhale, let out gray-colored energy (like smoke) from the 4th (heart) center;
– exhale through the mouth with a whistling sound: ssss…
– the lips are relaxed;
4th breathing cycle – packing and at the same time warming up the breath:
– the inhale is the same as in the first 3 cycles;
– and with the exhalation, we pack the golden energy into the lower Dantian area with three locks:
1) clench our fists (thumb outside);
2) tense the muscles of the lower abs;
3) Jalandhara bandha (cervical lock): the head is slightly pulled back and the chin is pulled down to the chest;
2nd part – 4 breathing cycles, 6 passes:
The three cleansing breaths are performed in the same way as in the first part;
In the 4th breathing cycle, the 4th lock is added on the exhalation:
4) shoulders pulled back, bring the shoulder blades together;
By adding the 4th lock packing and warming up is more powerful and deeper;
3rd part – 4 breathing cycles, 3 passes:
three cleansing breaths:
– on the inhale visualize the Golden Beam coming from the Sphere formed in the space of the Teacher System, direct this beam to the top of the head and through the chakral column direct to the lower dan-tian (about 4 fingers below the navel, or bladder area) and fill that area;
– breathing in the way of ujjayi: a slightly constricted vocal slit, resulting in voiced breathing;
– on an exhalation release silver energy from the 4th (heart) center;
– exhale through the mouth with a whistling sound: ssss…
– the lips are relaxed;
In the 4th exhalation cycle, the 5th lock is added to the 4th lock:
– Ashwini mudra: the external sphincter of the anus, the muscle that raises the rectum – tense;
– after exhaling while holding the breath – several thrusts (tensions) of the anal sphincter;
The 5th lock helps to push the kundalini energy up through the central channel Sushumna to the skullcap.
After performing pranayama, it makes sense to continue the practice with meditation…