Host: Sofoos
Higher Forces: Andromeda Civilization
Host: Today is April 21, 2023, and I am Sofoos. I welcome the Andromeda Civilization and I would like to define the topic: “The State of the Scenario and 4D Space. Possibilities of Civilization to open it in part of people, who are defined in the system of development or in the potential of development”.
Higher Powers: I greet you, I represent the Andromeda Civilization – the head of the scenario plan. I wanted to say at once that this topic is not very suitable for a public conversation, because many people who are not deeply into the topic of the scenario and the concept of human life in general, may feel rejection, dislike, and indignation. But anyway, the question has been asked, and I will try to answer it carefully, within the bounds of decency.
As you know, at the moment there is a change of the main scenario plans – the scenario plan of Saturn group civilizations and the scenario plan of Jupiter. The Jupiterians, as always, are in no hurry. They have a rough idea of what and how things will happen in the near future in the Earth system. In fact, it is more like self-eating and self-destruction, that is knowing the approximate dates of the beginning or, let’s say, the main dates of scenario events. The civilizations of the fourth and fifth levels begin to take their own structures, and their own capabilities out of the system.
How is this manifested? As you know, it is, first of all, the mass degradation of the population. That is, it is the transfer to external carriers, external substitutes for the program of consciousness: these are telephones, social networks, computers, and informational systems. These information carriers begin to fulfill a secondary function. That is not a person makes a decision, but the system makes a decision for him, determining it in the system of advertising positions, advertising shell of some obsessive ideas, the state of views, the state of interesting, thrown in moments of someone’s events and some imposed background of communication between people, which does not have depth, sincerity, spiritual notes and so on. And also some way of lifestyle is imposed, which is more like a fulfillment of someone’s will, a fulfillment of some chaotic movement, a chaotic state of being.
In this scenario, which most people are going through right now, there is a lack of the most important thing: no Soul, no idea of the future, no meaningful part in defining the future of their children, their disposition towards their parents, their state of life activity in the future, and so on. All this is mixed up and becomes like a certain conventional custom and habit. This is all really the activity of the civilization community, which begins to mix all these phenomena, all these meanings, such as family, politics, and culture, mixing, introducing new states of being, and forming systems of loosening. In essence, they are created secondarily.
And why do loosening systems emerge? It is only because the very process of introducing some new phenomena into politics, into information, into the society state of being, and inside a person and even into the program of consciousness brings a lot of doubts, uncertainties, the desire to strengthen something, to create something, to stand on firmer ground, to take a stand, or simply doing nothing, or just denying, or rejecting. All of these states of being are familiar, they are related to the sensual fields of the Soul, among other things.
Either way, it’s a growing chaos. And this has already been stated, it is already there. But it is growing, and fairly slowly. A person begins to adapt to his own internal chaos: to the instability of his life position, to the instability of his views. If they are stable, they are directed to extremely narrow-range definitions of the system, and people very rarely have the need to communicate from the point of view of the current moment. They do want to communicate but from the point of view of a dedicated platform, a site. And this is very important. On the other hand, in daily life, in regular life, the system of communication, in principle, does not undergo much change, remaining shallow, not open, and spiritless. And all this imposes a certain system of realization of the scenario itself.
We cannot say that the scenario management system itself is only our creation. No, it is not. But the scenario itself should melt and turn into a kind of malleable mass, a kind of plasticine, when people-observers themselves begin to realize that they are given the opportunity to control their own state of being. If we take and change a person’s life now in such a way as to give him a choice, he will not make this choice, or he will either make it to the past, to the very states and bindings he was in before. This is quite obvious, and it is not even worth proving.
Naturally, these perceptions need to be created. And here is the dilemma: if we accelerate the scenario, anarchy, and destructive events, it will cause mass fear, mass phenomena of depression, insecurity, exodus from the coordinate system, temporary or permanent – this is another part of the problem. One way or another, the number of fears will increase, the number of overexcited opinions about the future will increase, and people will become afraid of this future, and this cannot be allowed either.
If a person is afraid of the future, and expects a destructive energy exchange, a destructive event from this future, then he will start to deny this future, he will start to crawl into his house like a snail and try to cover his free resources, his fantasies with a blanket of conservatism, a blanket of concealment, a blanket of isolation. And this, of course, the system does not want.
On the one hand, civilizations, including our Andromeda civilizations, understand perfectly well that it is necessary to use 4D space, on the other hand, for this purpose it is necessary to bring whole groups, whole enclaves of people into separate systems and even into separate counties. To do that, the whole scenario in general needs to be redesigned. And, most importantly, it also requires the desire of the Jupiterian civilization. Naturally, Jupiter itself, on the one hand, supports this direction, and, on the other hand, it waits until the system begins to actively destroy itself through changes in the energy balance.
How does the energy balance change? The thing is that to extract negative energy from a person, 5-6 years ago it was enough just to collect a negative destructive event, to feed it to a person on the platform of awareness, to feed it to him in linear events with changed equivalents: equivalents of negation, disagreement, protest, and there is already a harvest, an energetic harvest, a negative energy exchange collected.
At the moment, the system of the human cell, the system of the program of consciousness, balances on the edge of the 3-4th dimension. Of course, this balance, this 4D system is taking over a lot, erasing, not allowing awareness to take over the key patterns of the fear program, not realizing those incoming values, emotions, experiences, and emotions of depression to plunge a person into a state of destructive energy exchange.
Consequently, civilizations need tens of times more energy investments, and, naturally, civilizations try to do it, try to direct certain social flows into these states of being. And we get two contradictions: on the one hand, it is necessary to adapt the observer to the options of choice, to the options of fantasy, to the options of presenting a new future, on the other hand, the old core civilizations, that control the scenario, cannot get rid of energy exchange today, because they are simply not created for it and cannot exist without it. For this purpose. it is necessary to change the whole platform of management of human consciousness, and human experience, and the Teachers and all the systems of the Higher level should be participating here.
If you begin to analyze the future, many of you will have a feeling of some events, serious enough, big enough, that will change the world completely. Yes, they will happen quite soon as a kind of basic starting point. So what you see, what you define now – this is a certain system of loosening, which gently enough, we would say even tenderly, begins to bring the observer to another level of self-awareness, to another level of perception.
These perceptions are really not given by us as a civilization, because the very system of perceptions is already in the realm of Jupiter, in the realm of its new programs. In fact, everything that you see from the old world is being destroyed before your eyes at different speeds, but confidently, and no longer even trying to go back. All this destruction, all these chaotic events will further develop. and with them, the confidence in the future of man himself will also disintegrate.
This process is not endless. Naturally, human consciousness is organized in such a way that sooner or later man himself begins to produce, to create an alternative: an alternative to chaos, an alternative to uncertainty. He starts to look around his surroundings. If earlier he had a salary, a job, stable connections, a society, a family, now he is no longer sure that all this will be preserved tomorrow, that all this will exist in the form of houses, cities, health, children, family, and relatives. All this starts to come to unbalanced relations, all this starts to vibrate in different directions, making a person doubt that all this is permanence. And sooner or later every person who is oriented to the development program will have a state of complete uncertainty about the future.
On one hand, it is a kind of result that is quite opposite and clearly destructive from the point of view of today’s state of being, but on the other hand, it is very constructive, because it allows a person to upgrade, reprogram himself, rewire himself, and create some new perceptions. And in these perceptions, a person naturally on his own initiative (we pay your attention, and this factor is very important here) begins to look for necessary people in neighbors, comrades, acquaintances, like-minded people, co-creators, people who are united in the states of Soul, in the states of a single impulse of development: people who accept him/her, people to whom he/she is drawn.
Here, of course, there is still a lot of work to be done, including the Teacher’s system (both old and new), which will adapt people to the state of a new type of communication and new perceptions. But the space itself, which is beginning to become chaotic, is still serving 4D only from the side of chaos, only from the side of loosening, only from the side of uncertainty. If you take your average person, not even an esoteric, and ask them to imagine the future in new coefficients not related to the old type of 3D space, obviously you will get nothing. If you take your average esoteric person and ask him to do the same, at best you will get a few uncertain phrases, and even then they will most likely be very much a representation of 3D space. And that is where the problem lies.
You may say: “Help me, give me a hint, show me the way.” But this is not our task, it is the task of Jupiter’s civilizations. The whole system of the Civilization community is built in such a way that the space in which you live is created. Our civilization is also adapted to the civilization of Jupiter, but we do not have our own initiative and such a decisive voice to change the system of management of humanity, the system of choice in terms of the space in which the experience of Jupiter’s civilization will be formed.
But, on the other hand, there are now many attempts to bring individual collectives of people into creative groups, no matter what these groups are based on: technogenic states, natural states, societal states, or political states. It does not matter, the main thing is that these groups of people begin to understand the future not through conflicts and negations, but through creative moments. Yes, they have a lot of different motives related to three-dimensional reality. Yes, they have a lot of misconceptions in terms of the space of illusion. Yes, they have a lot of false ideas about the realization of certain projects in this space in relation to the potential of the scenario. But it is there and it is growing, and you should observe, see and feel it.
There is such a concept – scenario potential or programmed future. It really exists, and the very model of the future will take place in this way: some part of people will watch the 3D scenario in the format that will be offered by the remnants of scriptwriters, remnants of Saturnian civilizations, and this experience is approved, and chosen by the Souls, and the other part of people will already go out for self-development, for self-presentation, for creating creative moments of the future, for managing the space of perception and so on.
This is where I want to end. If you have any questions, ask.
Host: Yes, I have a question: Is there even such a target task for a group of civilizations that serve or want to take observers into 4D, some kind of agreement, some kind of platform? And why not replace part of the government with such platforms? This is done at the click of a button by you, it’s easy.
Higher Powers: Yes, there are such programs. And at the moment, despite the fact that there is very stiff resistance and inertness, the system of state governance will be replaced this year and the next, and the government will begin to move to a state of gradual public governance. But this is not a quick option.
Once again, if something is done quickly, the inertness of the consciousness program will simply turn into a state of fear, and uncertainty, and it is very difficult to adapt it to the reality that is quickly created. Roughly speaking, if you are now transferred to Mars and left on this planet, you will still not understand what to do there and how to exist. It is the same with the fast reality. You want change, you want to realize that you have possibilities: you have possibilities of realization, you have possibilities of states of being, but in reality, you cannot realize these possibilities.
What you are doing now, what you will define in your knowledge at the seminars as controlling the space of perception – this is an opportunity, this is the very, conditionally speaking, highest goal that a person of development can set for himself.
Although nobody forces people to choose this path, many Souls have a conditionally satisfied state of being with the life that the observer leads, and these Souls have enough of the bad/good, happy/unhappy, interesting/uninteresting that is now and in this scenario. And no matter how you look at it, it’s still interesting, even from the chaos perspective. So quite a few Souls are not going to bring their observers to the 4D platform, much less to create their own future development.
There will be very, very few such observers, but they are there, and they are the more important variable. And don’t think that you are not being watched or paid attention to.
There will be very, very few such observers, but they are there, and they are the more important variable. And don’t think that you are not being watched or paid attention to. All those people who wake up and begin to create an image of their own future, their own perceptions, their own states of being, and visions with other people, are all under very attentive supervision. And they have a curation from the side of the Angelic System, Teacher System, and Civilization System.
Have a good day. Thank you for your attention.
Host: Thank you.
Reff: source: website tvorenie.life / translated with the permission of Sofoos by Marianna Jamag.