Channeler: Sofoos.
The Higher System: Pheokist, head of Jupiter’s Teacher System.
Sofoos: Today is March 14, 2022. I am Sofoos. I welcome a group of Jupiter civilizations and I wanted to meet you, learn your goals and objectives, find out your plans for some kind of scenario and how you will complete the Saturn scenario, and what the interactions will be between the scenario and the observer. The observers will be of two types, those who are asleep and those who are awake.
Pheokist: We greet you, we are the civilizations of Jupiter. I am the leader of the Teacher System of this group of civilizations. My name is very long, but gradually you will recognize it, it consists of 14 syllables. But if in your simplistic way, if in your simplified way, when you call Vladimir – Vovka or other abbreviated names, then I can be called Pheokist in accordance with your style. Yes, it’s a bit complicated, but that’s the name.
From the viewpoint of our civilizations, in terms of the passage of the path in the Earth system, as you already know, this has been happening and has been repeating itself for over two thousand years.
About two thousand years ago the Galactic Council of Souls made a decision to assign the main groups (civilizations) represented in our solar system to the scenario plan, to fulfill the most interesting, qualitative signs of experience of the system of the space-time continuum Earth, or simply the Gaia system.
There are also civilizations that are anchored in the planetary systems of Uranus, Mercury, Venus, and even Mars (although Mars is the least represented system). Naturally, they too have the right to influence and have the right to some level of interaction. The right is given to them, but only in terms of each individual scenario.
The approximate period in your understanding is 200-250 years. Here it all depends on how anchored the scenario is and how willing the observers themselves are to accept something new in the transition period.
Indeed, certain events in the early 19th century, 1812-1840, were quite dramatic and lethal to the observer. These events have greatly changed the format of the system that we brought in, which was anchored in the system of planet Earth: its atmospheric electricity, wireless electricity, remote transmission of information via magnetic waves, and many of the technologies that were used for human health. Those systems, however, did not include chemical reactions, chemical powders, etc. Of course, these chemical substances were there, but they were minimal.
The whole technological chain in its entire level of development, including the subway and the architecture, was inter-connected through one content of understanding of the Earth’s axis scenario. If you study alternative history, you will see that the architecture in America, Russia, India, and Europe was about the same. It was all influenced by one government, the world government which was quite constructive and humane in terms of reproduction, and interaction with its observers*.
The thing is that your history is badly distorted, a lot of false meanings have been introduced into it. It is very difficult to understand what has been happening during these periods of 200-250 years. In principle, 50 years is given to a period of transition. Essentially, this used to be an average lifespan of a person, therefore this generation was considered transitional. A new generation was being born. Meanwhile, we were introducing our governing system, our state of being, which gradually led to the new scenario.
Of course, two hundred years is a very small number, but in terms of what we now see in the Earth’s system, in two hundred years the Saturn civilization was able to practically wipe out all the fauna and flora in terms of its original state. What you are observing today is essentially the remnants of forests, animals, and marine life.
Naturally, if this were to continue, in about twenty or thirty years there would only be reserves left on the planet to observe what was there before. Everything else would be turned into deserts, salt marshes, barren fields, garbage heaps, and so on. Such a regime is quite naturally to Saturn’s liking. Because, as its primary task Saturn sets the transformation of the Absolute’s codes. The codes of nature, wood, metal ore, oil, and gas are transformed into the system of man’s technogenic provision of the surrounding space.
The man himself in this case is essentially a puppet, a kind of system that only watches, performs, thinks, and does as commanded. It is not even an actor, but a kind of biorobot, which is inserted into one or another chain of scripted plains, into different social layers of the same script. These social strata are naturally also interesting. For the Souls, it is interesting to be in the role of a poor man, a beggar, a worker, a mother of many children, an official, a military man, a businessman, a manager, and so on.
All these social roles were determined by those Souls who entered this scenario with exactly the experience they wanted to have. Let’s say right away that not all Souls are welcoming and participating in the Jupiterian experience. The majority of Souls, however, as you know, are still defined in the system of destructive experiences.
The Jupiterian system of civilizations is a constructive system based on a destructive system of interaction with The Absolute. This is difficult to understand, but we will now try to explain it briefly.
Briefly, because it requires quite a large and detailed deciphering due to the fact that you practically have no such knowledge. This knowledge is absent for the reason that Saturn itself, the Saturnian civilizations: Orion, Pleiades, and, in principle, Andromeda, let alone the Satanic civilizations, have all very closely, and qualitatively watched the enforcement of their law of illusion, their viewpoint. One could even say that they were not watching, but jealously guarding, because all, even the esoteric movements, in fact, started no earlier than 50-60 years ago In the form that they are known today.
Yes, there was Blavatsky, there were Freemasons, there were Klezovsky explorers, and so on. All of these were pioneers who were only reaching the mystery, to the unknown, to the enormity of the possibility that man and the space around him represented.
In essence, you were really limited to a maximum of two percent of the degree of expansion that is possible And some didn’t even reach 0.2-0.3 percent, which is a minuscule amount. Imagine that you can only see 0.2-0.3% of the room or what you observe in nature. It’s a little square, a little hole in which you can’t see anything. This is also why man, even today, sees nothing and understands nothing in relation to the processes that are going on above him; in relation to who creates space for him, what space creates for him, and how this will be reflected in his experience in the future and in the past.
Certainly Jupiterian civilizations were defined somewhat in these incarnations as well, however, these incarnations were usually very few in number and extremely limited in their capabilities. They were essentially some kind of observers, video camera systems, watching what was going on here in the Earth system. In addition, such observers did not manifest their Jupiterian qualities, but rather were simply ordinary people, with their ordinary problems, their usual qualities, and character.
So, on the one hand, we know in detail what happened here. On the other hand, we do not see this experience as either bad or good, because this experience is the experience of the Saturnian system, a separate dimension that does not end on Earth and extends to other systems, to other Galaxies. This type of experience is quite common. In fact, if you consider five sectors of the Universe, (we have about six sectors in the Universe, but the sixth one is closed), about 60-65% of the experience goes to the Saturnian type.
So, on the one hand, we know in detail what happened here, and on the other hand, we do not see this experience as either bad or good, because this experience is the experience of the Saturn system. And this is a separate dimension that does not end on Earth and extends to other systems, to other Galaxies. This type of experience is quite common and, in fact, takes, if you take a sector of the Universe, (and we have about six sectors, although the sixth is closed) if you examine five sectors, then among the five sectors of the Universe about 60-65% of the experience goes to the Saturnian type.
It is also an interesting system of conclusions and analyses, which suggests that the Souls who come into this Universe and go through this experience from beneath to above and from above to below, are still more interested in the scenario, in the system of projection. That cinematography happens to their observers as if introduced from the outside, coming into their system of understanding, into their sensual fields.
Of course, those Souls who come here for constructive experiences based on the destructive system, are more progressive, more hardworking, and more curious, because, as you understand, creating your own spaces, and your individual possibilities based on the 4D platform and above is quite difficult.
This difficulty lies in the fact that after years of serving roughly the same experience to masses of observers in the Saturnian scenario system, Souls become addicted, accustomed and inert to our possibilities. (It doesn’t look like 200 years. These are so-called rings in which thousands and thousands of observers pass simultaneously in the same groove.)
Also, Souls do not always welcome this experience, because they are still more accustomed in part to the Saturnian experience where they superimpose sensual fields on the incoming scenario plan: that of human life, their working day, rest, and so on.
Soul’s experience of superimposing sensual fields on the incoming scenario plan and seeing itself in it is already more complex, producing a more finished product. It can be compared with taking a baking form, pouring some dough into it, then baking it and ending up with some configuration.
Naturally, when Jupiterian civilizations enter, there is a very strong change in the system of frequency of the planetary Matrix, and in the system of people’s perception level.
When people enter destructive scenarios: scenarios of cataclysms, war, disease, famine, and other turmoil, they begin to manifest a system of fears, a system of their attachments to those balances that are defined in them in relation to the 3D scenario, to their habits, addictions, and so on. All of this has been described in detail by you, and we see it.
On the other hand, the very system of Jupiter and Jupiterian civilizations (which are categorized into three main groups: energy group, organizational-scenario group, matrix group, or as you call it matrix-technogenic group) creates products, that are interconnected with the possibilities of space and with those unexpressed energy potentials, that contain energy, contain equivalents, contain potential which can be used for many things, including human development.
Now the most important thing. What is human development to us?
For the Saturnian civilization, human development is simply a passage through the linear experience of life from birth to death, a viewing of the picture of life in which one finds oneself in different situations, in different states, such as health, illness, awareness, grief, sadness, happiness, joy. And that, perhaps, is all there is to it.
Yes, man sometimes creates paintings, creates events, or participates in the creation of events, he creates works of art and literature. But all this creation is still the work authored by certain civilizations. In one way or another, it is arranged in the system of human understanding. Naturally, it is decorated and brought in by the sensual fields of the Soul, which tries to participate in these states in the form of partial creation.
Therefore, you should understand that all masterpieces created by man, including products that man creates as a matter of fact, including cooking in the kitchen and having conversations with other people, he does more under dictation, under the directive condition.
Of course, when 4D space sets in, both the composition of the Guru system and the function of the Angelic system change (not strongly enough). New Teachers come, and new conditions arrive.
Also in terms of today’s co-participation with the space, you are fortunate to be on the cusp of the scripted plans.
You already know that on February 22, at the Galactic Council the Saturn civilization handed over the Scenario Scepter. It’s not really a scepter, though. It’s the kind of disc that spins around a ball, only it’s more like an egg-ball, and the disc looks like a thick strip, with an energy keeper going underneath.
It’s a symbol, it’s nothing more than a five-dimensional symbolism. It’s hard for you to understand, but it’s really there. Also, this Scenario Scepter is symbolic because the scenario itself, created by the Saturnians, has already been assembled about 20-25 years into the future.
Clearly, some part we will reassemble, change, and transform, and another part will remain rolling within your worldview, within you. It will remain in the zone of a certain change of constancy into doubt, constancy into a changeable situation of perception.
This Scenario Scepter gives us an opportunity to already participate in the Scenario Plan, and we begin to do so. For us, however, the external events themselves, even military events or the emergence of disease, are always a kind of platform for introducing our worldview and belief system.
And what is our worldview? This too is a separate big topic that needs to be covered and illuminated. The fact is that Jupiter’s worldview or Jupiter’s ideology, which still needs to be formed within your communities, societies, and governments (although this is all conditional), is quite different and is fueled primarily by the philosophy of interaction with the human mind. For us, this is the most important thing.
This can be compared in terms of possibilities. For example, if a Saturn civilization in the form of a schoolboy, just takes a piece of paper and starts writing and multiplying numbers in squares trying to count, this is then a scenario plan, it is a scenario management system of the future. However, if a schoolboy obtains a super-powerful three-dimensional, multicolored, multifunctional computer that can reproduce holographic pictures of the future, past, and present, and the schoolboy starts projecting products that he creates by his own will and interest, then this schoolboy is an observer-human, while the super-powerful computer is the Mind. Then we stand between the observer and the super-powerful computer.
As you understand, there is a very big difference here: a difference in balances, in perceptions, in the system of understanding of all things.
This literally means that when you understand today’s space, you perceive it as something stable, necessary, and familiar.
At the same time, you still divide it into bad and good, into scary and non-scary, into anxious and harmonious, into necessary and unnecessary.
Here you have, of course, all these fixations, all the values of addiction, all the habits formed by the whole ruler of your life experience. They have been formed by your curating civilization. This civilization will be in the perimeter of your life potential for quite a long time yet.
The Saturn ideology primarily defines the scenario as most important, the most interesting, and the players in that scenario are groups of civilizations: the Pleiades, Orion, Redskins, Greys, Anunnakis, Sirius, and so on.
Naturally, the Saturn civilization serves the single Saturn ideology. These systems are set in one great multifunctional chess game where the observers themselves serve as pawns, as chess pieces. They perform the roles assigned to them, the roles that are created by the control system of Saturnian civilizations.
That system is completely different for us. This rather complex understanding needs to be communicated, created, and defined because when you understand how the civilizations of Jupiter interact with the observer’s space, and how the observer interacts with the space of the future, you will experience some calm, a kind of inner balance. However this is just as much, if not more, a school of knowledge, that you have been going through all these years in relation to that process that you have defined as ‘waking up’ and ‘dissociation as a form of development.’
Here, those who have approached these values already must determine other states: the ability to create, the ability to control their space of perception, the ability to control temporal values in their own body-space, and in the external space of incoming values. It is the ability to influence the energy-supply potential of their like-minded society members standing nearby, of the children. It is a thought-form exchange, and an ability to penetrate the future, look into the future, especially that future which you yourself are creating.
This, in fact, is the possibility of even moving through time, through time strata. These technologies have long been developed, and are quite well known. It is just that at the moment they are out of time and out of place. Naturally, it is the ability to control your own body, to create realistic pictures of the future and penetrate into them, and experience them, but only in multi-layered versions.
So our civilization has big enough plans. Unfortunately, many members of humanity will not be able to arrive to the systemic functionality of the Jupiterian purpose of our plan. They will either be taken outside of space, turned into phantoms, or taken out into support systems that do not affect the basic Worldmaking plans of our functional creation.
So in short, that’s probably it, because you can already get quite a deep dialog through developing each branch of thought presented here. This is the first dialogue. We are happy about it. We are glad that many of you, who will listen to us, will be either excited or perplexed, but certainly not sad, because all of you have been striving for the constructive development, but you just have not guessed that the constructive development is your expenditure, your labor, your sweat, your inner resource of fantasy, of performance, of creation.
So I want to congratulate you on a new time, a new state, a new resource field, energies, acquaintances, and a new single-mindedness.
I am Pheokist, head of the Jupiter Teacher System. Thank you.
Sofoos: Thank you very much.