Glossary and Abbreviations – a brief dictionary., an alphabetical list of terms or words used on our website with explanations, helping to understand new esoteric knowledge transmitted through contactee channeler Sofoos by The Higher System.
There are currently 14 names in this directory beginning with the letter A.
Abilities are properties acquired through experience and development. It allows us to define consciousness.
Absolute is the leading creator and maker of the Universe. He is the teacher of the Architect (represented as the Son in religion). He is dual in basis, but not in the creation of the Universe. He is the Supreme Mind, the root cause, the primary basis of all constructive categories (creativity, love, freedom, joy, harmony, goodness, time control, perceptual space control, design of Minds, acceptance of guests from other Universes).
Akashic Chronicles / (Akashic Records).
Akashic Chronicles (Akashic Records). After ending each observer\'s incarnation, the Higher System removes from them the most interesting complex perceptions of the conditional past. Then they (in the form of information) go to the chromosphere - the shared memory storage of a particular script layer. There are three Akashi Chronicles now, but there were five. Approximately every 25 thousand years, the information is archived and goes to the space library. The period before archiving can be called Akashi Chronicles.
Algorithm (the) - connected in a certain sequence: information content, attribute, value. The algorithm itself in the system of creation is expressed in the so-called pulsating numbers, which are not applied as a concept in the system of human meanings.
Analytical Frame
Analytical Frame (the) is the skill to determine one's thought-form flows in the form of their formation, state, and internal interaction with one's structures, consciousness, awareness, and state of the past and future. Only this ability can give a person advancement to his future through spiritual development.
Anti-Universe/Dark Universe
Anti-Universe / Dark Universe (the): In addition to numerous parallel spaces, there is the concept of a mirror World. There are different Matrix codes and energy exchanges. It is like making something similar to what is made of plus energy from minus energy. It is necessary to balance the ring torus of the Universe in the form of variable values in the executive mode of the course of refraction of the coefficients.
Architect is the Supreme Mind, the affiliated structure of the second ring of the World Creation. He is adopted by the Absolute for training in our Universe, with minimal addition of new coefficients from 1.12. Today's figure is 1.25, which exceeds all the indicators of neighboring Universes by multiple times. The Architect is the second system of the Universe. Also, he is the organizer and screenwriter of the entire course of development. This Supreme Mind forms the process of eventfulness in the volumes provided by the Absolute. He is the root cause of the general position of objects and events relative to consciousness.
Ascension is the definition of consciousness and subconsciousness (in some cases) to a higher dimension (5D and higher for humans). Previously, it was accompanied by leaving the body and replacing the Incarnation Cell with another form of space perception.
Assembling Events
Assembling Events is the conjunction of illusion and the necessary scenario plan of manifestation of matrix codes of objects, feelings, emotions, sensations of one\'s own body, and thought-forms offered to the observer, which generalize the result of realization of the person in space 3D. Events are collected from 2 hours to 1.5 months from the point of perception.
Assembly Fields
Assembly Fields (the) are special planes with a definition of events for each consciousness in the Worldmakers system. They allow the Higher Self to view events 15-20 days ahead, determining the sequence of choice of the twin-observer (person). They define the entire spectrum of perceived values (except for thought-forms).
Attribute (an) is a component of an informative flow or meaning. It is a combination of a set or ratio of several different correspondences or inconsistencies in relation to something.
Awareness is the ability and quality of consciousness to perceive the created World through a specific object (an observer), defining it as a part of itself. In other words, it is a lens, a connection of the fields of the Soul, Higher Self, Monad, and space.
Awareness of the Higher Self
Awareness of the Higher Self is a systemic block of consciousness that determines the relation and interrelation of all analysis processes between the higher and perceiving systems of information acceptance (observer and his twins). It defines an independent judgment, an opinion of all consciousness in relation to the whole process of incarnations in its observation systems, and forms on the basis of twin-observer awareness a determination of choice for each in accordance with the terms of the contract.
There are currently 13 names in this directory