Glossary and Abbreviations – a brief dictionary., an alphabetical list of terms or words used on our website with explanations, helping to understand new esoteric knowledge transmitted through contactee channeler Sofoos by The Higher System.
There are currently 15 names in this directory beginning with the letter G.
Galactic Federation of Light Functions and Regulations
Functions and regulations of the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL):
- the development plans of civilizations from 5D and above;
- the scenario plans of the Space-Time continuum of planets of different levels;
- the fulfillment of commitments made to the Council of Souls;
- the admission of certain civilizations to the seeding of their observers; and much more.
Galaxy (a) is a system of organization of stars with different characteristics and functions. It has a central portal where information flows of change energies enter and exit, spiraling inside and outside. It is a subsystem of the Universe\'s development. It has a Galactic Council of Higher Minds defined in its decisions by the Central Sun system (the structure of the Principal Determinant).
Gender is the aspect of the presence of different energetic (mental, etc.) structures in the observer. Humanity has always had gender differences as conceived by the Higher System. But in the history of the human race, there have been androgynes and other essences. Sexual separation at the level of an Incarnation Cell structure after 4.8D disappears. The external attributes remain. The five-dimensional Incarnation Сell is genderless.
Generic Karma
Generic Karma is the creation within the experience of the 3D Soul (on its initiative) of some properties repeated in incarnations of observers (different time periods but connected by kinship) of the same events, defined by the observer as a debt. Karma is regulated only through the Soul and the Teacher System. There is no karmic indebtedness.
Gist (the) is the definition of the content, basis, and conceptual characteristic of an object, phenomenon, attribute, value, form, or any defined information.
Goal (the) is the arsenal of destructive development. In a constructive way, there are no goals and objectives, but there is a direction of creativity and creation with the participation of the Soul\\\'s feelings. The Soul determines the format of the Framework of Feeling and Emotions (Emotions and Feelings Framework) of events.
Goal-Setting is an aspiration based on a system of views and beliefs. It is the planning of the events of life\'s journey to solve the set tasks.
Going to -4D
Going to -4D is a change from the space of the Absolute to the space of the Architect. It\\\'s like switching from color 3D to black and white 2D TV. Those who woke up with the experience of transition and destructive development, reversing their awareness of the 4D category, will turn around and become the vanguard, the engine of a new destructive scenario in the 3D space of the Architect (civilizations). This way is for the bulk of humanity.
Going to +4D
Going to +4D is going forward in the understanding primarily of the Soul. Space is changing perceptibly and quickly. Those who woke up choose one of two things: to slow down and look for reasons outside or evolve. At the same time, no one guarantees the transition itself.
Good and Evil
Good and Evil are concepts unifying coefficients of creation and chaos as forms of their correlation with each other and manifestation in the Universe, in all spheres of their perception by consciousness. Exist as a basic model, the basis for constructing scenario plans and events for accumulating experience and determining the energy saturation of events to awareness. It correlates with notions of duality and developmental structures of 3D manifested space. They are absent in higher frequency spaces.
Goodness is the state of Goodwill fields, readiness to reflect space in terms of constructive coefficients. It is the state of unity with the Soul.
Goodwill (Free Will)
Goodwill (Free Will) is a quality of man, the manifestation of constructive categories in him: kindness, generosity, and self-confidence.
Gratitude is an unconditional recognition of the merits and qualitative parameters of the mindfulness object. It is a form of energy exchange of Souls among themselves.
There are currently 13 names in this directory