Glossary and Abbreviations – a brief dictionary., an alphabetical list of terms or words used on our website with explanations, helping to understand new esoteric knowledge transmitted through contactee channeler Sofoos by The Higher System.
There are currently 24 names in this directory beginning with the letter M.
Magnitude is a concept based on the difference in the ratio of the attribute and values. It has a definition as a coefficient, a number, or a residual.
Main Events of Life or Points of the Life Path
The Main Events of Life or Points of the Life Path are the necessary and obligatory energy potentials of events defined in the Incarnation system and fixed in the contract as commitments of the Higher Self (both destructive and constructive).
Mandala (a) is a drawing of the Divine sphere, defined by consciousness in unity with the Soul. A person becomes motivated in the development system when creating a mandala.
Markers are algorithms embedded in information carriers and definitions that allow interaction in the system of variable values in accordance with the programmed mode. Markers exist in the Absolute's and the Architect's systems (thought-form markers). Both function at different stages of the construction and awareness of space.
Masculine energy
Masculine energy is a state of perception of space as the linear and centralized vectors.
MATRIX is a system of organization and control of the codes of the creation objects defined for a specific zone (space-time continuum), planet, system, and space. It has an intelligent control system and is part of the system of the Creators.
Matrix is a system of organization and management of creation object codes defined for a specific zone (Space-Time Continuum), planet, space, and another system. It has an intelligent control system and is part of the Creators' system.
Matrix Code
Matrix Code (a) is a complex multifunctional algorithm correlated with the qualitative features of the perceived object or its part. It allows perceiving an object in space as a volumetric image or other spatial forms. Initially formed from two potential zones: technogenic (the Architect) and natural (the Absolute). These are different matrix libraries, but mixed codes are more common. For example, in the destructive way of development, the preference for creativity is usually given to artificial materials (plastic), the constructive - to natural ones. The result of the Matrix code's transformation under the influence of awareness is dependent on the emotions and feelings of the Soul. They define the axis of Time Markers, on which the visualization space is put on.
Matrix of the Absolute
Matrix (the) of the Absolute has a torus shape. It links with the Time Hierarchy that creates energies of change. At a higher level, the torus appears as a sphere combined with the system of the Principal Determinant (the Architect).
Matrix Unit
Matrix Unit (the) of Incarnation Cells is a system of organization of Incarnation Cells and Matrix subsystems (minerals) created for passing through various experiences in different dimensions and the Universe's systems for one Soul. It has an upper control system - a Monad, determining all functionality of the Matrix Unit and the directly Absolute's creation system.
Memory is the accumulated emotional-sensory state correlated with external events and located in the additive block of accumulative attributes of the human observer's Incarnation Сell. It allows the consciousness to determine the requested information in a zero-time system. Memory is not a constant value and changes depending on the necessary experience or fusion of the twin-observers.
Mental constructs (fields)
Mental constructs (fields) are some clouds where real thought-forms are formed (when they become already comprehensible): words, phrases, and algorithms peculiar to a person personally.
Mind (a) is a form of defining and analyzing perceived space and analytically constructing thought-forms and other manifestations aimed at creation.
Mindset is a function of the consciousness program that determines the connection of the perceived external space with the internal perceptual space and creates the illusion of 3D space awareness.
Ministry is the activity of intelligent beings who have reached a certain level of spiritual development. It is aimed at achieving panhuman, planetary, or higher goals. Ministry is defined only through the Teacher System.
Mirror (the) of the Soul
Mirror (the) of the Soul is a mirror of the Soul's energy fields in the system of awareness. It is the supreme vector of human understanding of space, self, and one's future and past. The Soul is the coordinator and holder of one's state of emotional status.
Moment of Choice or Event Point
Moment (the) of Choice or Event Point is a particular range of time (not more than 32 hours) during which the necessary awareness and decision-making by the Higher Self occur in favor of this or that choice (from 2 to 5 options, no more). It is the principal derivative of the determination system of the upcoming path.
Monad (Tata-Monad)
Monad (Tata-Monad) is an intelligent system of creation that determines the idea of a human body's location in the Matrix and its interaction with the external and internal environment. The Monad's functions include regulation of all energy-exchange processes of the organism, except for the 12th dimension (microcosm). Also, it controls and observes the human's Incarnation Path. It is the principal responsible Mind for the organization of experience and the actual creation of "man." There is a trinity in relation to the system: Soul - Higher Self - Tata-Monad.
Monadic Tree
Monadic Tree (the) is a system of definitions of the sequence of the Monadic Mind development relative to the event course in the Universe. It looks like branching from the source (the Absolute) connection of Minds interacting in a single system and determining each other through their exchange fields. The significance of the Monadic Tree is the development and actual management of all sentient objects in the Universe.
Mother Civilizations
Mother Civilizations have a status initially as the founding civilizations that carry out most of the seeding of Souls in the Gaia (planet Earth) system.
Mother Civilizations
Mother Civilizations have a status initially as the founding civilizations that carry out most of the seeding of Souls in the Gaia (planet Earth) system.
Mudra is a symbolic ritual posture of the hands, a language of gestures. The particular gestures and positions of the body change the mood and mental condition and direct the flow of inner energy.
There are currently 13 names in this directory